I've been thinking I'd like to see your eyes open real wide the minute that you see me

I've been thinking I'd like to see your eyes open real wide the minute that you see me

Saturday, March 13, 2010

St. Patty's 5k for Special Olympics

So as many of my friends know, every time I run a 5k I try to skim around 5min off my time previously. My first 5k time is on the internet as a constant reminder of how far I've come. I was 24 and my time was 41:14. I'd been running a little bit with the woman I was a nanny for at nights - we jogged more than ran but it was the start of my love of running. Asheville was a hard course - lots of hills (it was, after all, in the mtns of NC). But for my first run, I think it was pretty good.

My second run was on my campus during my grad year (2008) - again, in the mtns of NC so hilly and I believe I hit around the late 30's on that one - but I can't remember anymore. The last one I ran was once again in NC on the campus of UNCA which had a HUGE hill that we had to run up and down - that time was right around 35min (I'd have to look it up on facebook) and that was a little over a year ago - I believe around Dec of 2008.

Todays did have a hill but nothing like I'm used to - it was a very gradual hill and a lot of flat land which was interesting for me - when it comes to running outside I've spent so many years running the hills and mtns of NC for do many years that my body is still struggling to get used to running flat land.

Anyway, as you've read all week - I didn't really get any good workouts in because work took over my life and Zumba was cancelled yesterday due to Spring Break so I really didn't build up to today at all. I went to bed a little after 10pm and was asleep by 11pm and only woke up 2 times last night (it's rare if I wake up less than 3-4 times a night - even more rare if I actually sleep through the entire night). Woke up a little before my alarm (set for 7.30am). Got up, showered and dressed in my shorter running pants (bought because MAS made me a few years ago), my Champion duo-dry long sleeve shirt to keep me warm, sports bra and a t-shirt.

I thought that would be warm - ha! Silly me. Although the temp was in the higher 40's it was freezing - no sun, it started with a misting and then a wonderful wind started hitting. I kept my sweat shirt in the car because I hate running in hoodies - they bother me. I spent my time (after registration) going between the cold outside and the warm inside Runner's World.

Since I registered late, I was only able to get a kids shirt (which I'll send to my godbabies - either Caity or Colton - or both - should fit it and can support their aunt!).

I kept an eye out for Jeff and ended up finding him about 15 min before the race. Mary decided to run by herself so I never saw her. Jeff let me know that our instructor would meet up with us a little after the race started to run with us. We wandered around a little bit and then it was time to race!

We were a few seconds behind the start - maybe 5 seconds (if that) so we had a good start. We ran into our instructor about 2 min into the race and he joined us. I could tell Jeff appreciated it as much as I did. We ran all together for just under the first half of the race. I skipped ahead as we went up the hill (I hate stopping on hills) and then I just kept going. Our instructor fell behind to keep up with Jeff since I was going a little faster and I just kept going and going. I stopped a little more on the way down than on the way up which brought down my time but I was ok with that.

Once I saw the street sign near the end and then the finish line I was done - I sped up a little bit and hit the end. Final time.... 31:15!!!

This is me after the race - home, tired but happy and proud. My awesome shirt says "I am Tulsa"

I was beyond proud of myself! That is my best time yet and it's really due to my instructor and Jeff's constant support in class - they really push me to go farther than I think I can (I tend to give up early). I think my final goal will be 30min and then after that my new goals will be cutting out the walking and just switch to running.

The best part was the reward of a beer at the end. :) Found out Michelob ultra is really not that bad. Not as good as my Yuengling but it was close. Also got a really cute chocolate milk bag to use for grocery shopping. Photobucket

So all in all, my race went very well. I'm very proud of myself and looking forward to seeing what they have my time at once they post them. And I loved my number - 2250. I like having 5's in my number since it's my favorite number. :)

And finally, thank you to those of you who read this and are my friends in my real life - I appreciate all of your constant support. It really helped me prepare for today. Next 5k is in early April so I'm super psyched for it!!

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