I've been thinking I'd like to see your eyes open real wide the minute that you see me

I've been thinking I'd like to see your eyes open real wide the minute that you see me

Sunday, July 28, 2013

What training has taught me lately...

  So this post won't contain my usual photos and links as I'm using my work iPad and want to get this out of my head before I forget. :)
  As the few of you that read this know. I'm currently training for the Disney Wine and Dine half marathon in November. When I first signed up for the race I had big plans for my training. I was so sure of myself because seriously, I've run two before so I figured I could do it with no problem.
  Then I ran the RASA 5k and wanted to give up after the first hill.   As I ran I stated to curse myself for signing up for that race and also a half marathon. Who was I kidding? I could barely run a mile. I hated running at that moment and hated my body more.
  What I wasn't thinking about was the fact that I had to give myself time.  Like ,let of my friends who have recently transitioned to new jobs in new cities, I put running on the back burner when I moved here.  I gained weight and didn't hit the gym as hard as I had in Tulsa.  The. November hit and I pushed myself harder than ever in the gym one night... So hard that I screwed up a vertebrae in my back and ended up in severe pain.  What I thought was "just a pulled muscle" ended up being more serious - to the point that I could not walk more than a half mile without wanting to die from pain.  I didn't sleep for more than 3 hours most nights because the pain was so bad.  I realized I had hit rock bottom when it took me almost 15 minutes to walk the 10 isles to the Target pharmacy to get my first prescriptions to treat the pain.
  Thankfully I quickly discovered a wonderful chiropractor who fixed my pain after 3 sessions when the doctor I was seeing kept insisting I would never run again and wanted me to pay out of pocket for $2,000 worth of shots.  With the help of my chiropractor I was able to run the 5k in April and haven't stopped.
  Although I haven't been training as well as I had hoped to at this point, I'm getting there faster than I'd hoped.  This past sat I ran 4 miles on the track - a nonstop 5k at 30:30 followed by a 2 lap walk and finishing the last 6 laps without issue.  The week before I ran a 5k on the track with some struggle after 2 miles.
  What made me think of this post is due to a speaker we had during our training for our job.  She spoke about diversity and being abled bodied vs having a disability.  I realized that I have now been on both sides of the spectrum and it has given me a new perspective.  When Eryn and I ran together in Tulsa she would always tell me she ran for those who could not.  For the first time ever, her words rang true for me.  There may be a day - maybe sooner than I'd like to believe, when I can't run anymore. It's already happened once already and I want to enjoy my body and what it can do until then.  Although I promised my mother that this would be my last half marathon, I do plan to continue to run and make the most of the time I have in good health as I can.
  No, I am not dying or sick - but as I speak to my best friend who is in worse condition than I was just a short while ago, it makes me realize how lucky I am that I found a good doctor who was able to listen and fix the problem while others just gave me drugs and didn't listen to my concerns, fears and issues.  I am very blessed and I now know it.
  Through this experience I'm also working on making my body stronger. I'm now taking spin classes twice a week and going back to Zumba on top of training. I've also joined weight watchers and am using that to help get my diet back on track so I'm not eating junk all the time.
  I'm going to hopefully make the time to continue to post about my training and my race - especially since I've never been to Disney and have never run a half marathon without Eryn so I'm terrified - and I hope you'll confuse to follow along and support as you have in the past.

Friday, July 12, 2013

  Things have been busy in life lately, which is why I haven't been able to update as much as I'd like.
  Running, I'm happy to say, is continuing to build and go well.
  When I did the RASA 5k I wanted to cry. I cursed myself for doing it, cursed myself for thinking I could run again and cursed myself for embarrassing myself like that. Then, I hit the halfway mark and remembered why I loved running.  I crossed around 31 minutes which was perfectly fine with me!
  Since the 5k, I've been building.  I'm still not where I'd like to be - it's just too hot most nights right now to run (humid, not just hot) so I get about 2 miles in before I have to stop.  But, happy to report, my time is getting better with most runs.  My best so far has been a mile at 9:30!  The hope is that if I continue on this trend I will be back in shape and ready for my (probably last) Half Marathon in November.
  Fingers crossed!

Monday, April 1, 2013

   Sooo.... I did it. I'm hopefully crossing off something off my bucket list...Disney Wine and Dine Half Marathon 2013!
   I am nervous, excited, scared and everything in between right now. My stomach jumps and falls every time I think about it.  It will be my 3rd Half Marathon but my first 1) by myself and 2) without someone to train with! That's what scares me the most - not having a support system there!
   But... if all goes well, my mom, sister, brother in law and the baby will all be there to support me!  I'm also still trying to talk Stephan into running it with me.  So fingers crossed!
  Here's the good stuff:

Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon Highlights:
  • 13.1-mile course through Walt Disney World® Theme Parks
  • Disney Characters and Entertainment on-course
  • Event Weekend Transportation for Walt Disney World® Guests staying at Event Host Resorts
  • Family Reunion Area with entertainment and characters
  • Exclusive after hours Finish Line Party at the Epcot® International Food & Wine Festival for participants

Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon participants will receive:
  • Champion® Unisex Long Sleeved Tech Shirt*
  • Commemorative Finisher medal*
  • Official Race Program Guide*
  • iGiftBag
  • Personalized bib* (Must register by September 1, 2013 for name to appear on bib)
  • $10 Disney Gift Card
  • On-course and Post-Race refreshments
  • ChronoTrack B-tag timed race with live runner tracking signup for friends and family
  • Personalized results website
  • Access to the exclusive after hours Finish Line Party at the Epcot® International Food & Wine Festival

   I also registered for the RASA 5k which is on the 20th of April.  That will be my first 5k in a year and my starting point - seeing where my time stands with that and going from there. My co-worker promised to start running with me in the morning to get me prepared but I don't know if she'll still agree when I have to go  into the longer miles.  I'm also thinking about shelling out the money and finding a running group here to help with so I can get my longer miles in.  I'm planning to start my training in early May which should give me more than enough time to get my miles to where they should be.  Goal is keeping between my first two times - 2:30 and a 2:45 race.
   Thanks, as always, for the support!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Catching up Again...

  The reason I haven't been updating in a long time is honestly because I haven't been running.
  Back in November I was struggling with some back issues and over Thanksgiving break I threw my back out really badly and then started having a shooting pain travelling from behind my knee to my lower left butt.  It got to the point after a week that I couldn't even walk - I just laid on the couch for an entire weekend in fetal position crying my eyes out due to the pain.
  After seeking medical advice from one doctor and realizing their fix wasn't what I was looking for (pills and shots) I changed to a different doctor who worked specifically in Chiropractic measures.  I'm happy to say that after 2 months the pain is completely gone, he's readjusted my hips and now we are working on fixing my spine.  My knee has been acting up a little bit with the new change in posture but that's to be expected and I'm working through it.
  I'm also happy to say that I ran for the first time since October this weekend.  I was planing on waiting until April to start training again but the weather was just too beautiful and it was calling my name!  I threw on the old workout gear, made a new iPhone playlist and hit the ground running.  I made it .8 miles before I had to stop and breathe.  I wanted to hit a mile but with my allergies weren't about to let that happen.  Overall I ran about 1.5 of a 2.5 mile loop.  Not bad for my first time back in the game again.  Made sure to do some hills as well so my body is used to them.
  And other exciting news - my first race will be an on-campus race on 4/20 for Sexual Assualt.  I'm also hoping that the Disney Wine and Dine won't be sold out before April because I won't have the money to register until then.  Fingers crossed!!
  I also realized last night while I was running that with all the struggles I've had, all the bad situations I've lived through and survived, nothing seems harder than starting to run all over again.  Knowing I was a 9:30-9:45 min/mile and ran 2 half marathons and now I'm struggling to run 1 full mile.  Made me think of life - no matter how hard it gets, I can get back to where I was and sometimes I just need to look at those medals and race bibs to remind me that before long I will be back there again.
  So, the plan is to keep updating as I run and run into situations. Hopefully you'll all continue to keep pace with me along the way!