I've been thinking I'd like to see your eyes open real wide the minute that you see me

I've been thinking I'd like to see your eyes open real wide the minute that you see me

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Round 2

  So I was asked to bring the blog back up.  I can't promise I will be as good as I was before, but I'm going to try.
  I recently accepted a new position and moved from Tulsa, OK to Tennessee.  I am very excited and happy yo be closer to home, friends and the life I want.  I'm also excited to be running on a hilly campus and area again!
  Since I've been back I've run a 5k and am planning to sign up for the half marathon in April.  I've been running 2-3 times a week in the mornings before work, averaging about 2 miles each run.  My plan is to up that gradually and start adding Saturday runs when football season ends.
  I'm also back to the gym 5-6 times a week.  Right now I'm on cardio machines with slight weights as I get used to a new gym and new machines.  On the thigh machines I'm up to 80 lbs already with 5 sets of 10 presses each.  Goal for next week is to start on medicine ball crunches.
  I'm still looking for a Zumba class as good as what I left.  Two are offered here on campus but I've only been to the one which works best with my schedule and her style isn't what I'm looking for.  I may start looking off campus so I can find different styles that I like and prefer until I find one I'm happy with.
  When I first moved my schedule didn't allow me to run as much as I had been so I lost my mileage and gained about 5 lbs. I've already lost 2 lbs but working on toning as well. I want to look like I did when I moved in July.
  The goal is to start running a 5k a month again and slowly work my mileage up to where it should be so I can handle 13.1 in April.
  Thank you for your support and for taking the time to read.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

  My apologies for being so nonexistant with the site this year.  Life has taken a few crazy turns and I haven't had the time to update and, to be honest, I haven't been racing and training like I was last year.
  I'm still running - but due to other things going on in life, running has taken a backseat to life.  It happens and I'm ok with it.
  I am happy to report though that I did do two races in April.  With very little training (and I don't ever suggest anyone do this!!) Eryn and I ran our 2nd Half Marathon.  She learned of it about 2 weeks before it happened so since we were already working on longer weekend runs we went for it.  She finished with an impressive time under 2:30.  I was around 2:45 due to some issues on the course but I was happy to be done and receive my medal.  I'd like to do another one in the future but that will depend on when and where I am at that point in time.
  The Half Marathon included a 5k which one of my awesome staff members ran.  It was her first 5k and I was so proud to be there to see her when we crossed and hear about her time.  Great feeling!
  Last weekend a few of my staff, myself and Eryn ran the "Race Against Racism" 5k in town.  I ran the 1st one last year so it was nice to be at the 2nd with more people.  Many of my girls ran and some walked up until I made them run across the finish line. : )  I was like a proud momma.  They were great!  I hope that they now realize a 5k is nothing and they will do more in the future (as well as encourage others).  Time will tell.
  Sadly, after my Half Marathon on Easter weekend I received news that one of my favorite students had passed away in a car accident.  A great deal of April has been spent mourning her loss and doing what I can help to comfort my staff and students dealing with her loss.
  I am hopeful things will be on an upswing soon this summer and I'll be back to updating and running like I used to soon.  Phoebe will be my summer running buddy since Eryn graduates this Sat!!  Going to be going through a lot of changes in the near future but running will be there to keep me sane and I'm thankful for that. ; )