I've been thinking I'd like to see your eyes open real wide the minute that you see me

I've been thinking I'd like to see your eyes open real wide the minute that you see me

About Me

  So I guess this is the part where I write about myself.
  I work on a college campus in Oklahoma.  I love my job - I can't even begin to explain how passionate I am when it comes to working with students.  They make my life even better on a daily basis.
  If you haven't figured it out already, that's me on the left.
  Living on campus has its advantages and disadvantages.  I am surrounded by students who are anywhere from 8-13 years younger than me and that can be a struggle but it's also very rewarding.  I have the ability to help guide and shape many of these young people before releasing them into the world.  It's a pretty awesome job.
  I had lived all over the East Coast before moving to Oklahoma.  I love it here but I do miss my friends and family back home.  My favorite place that I've lived in all my years is North Carolina.  I just love the mountains.

  One of the things that has helped me adjust to OK is my group of friends.  They have helped make the transition much smoother and helped make me less homesick.
  I started this blog because I wanted a place to vent, share my struggles and just talk.  I have a few close friends on the East Coast who, like me, struggle with their body image, eating issues and other things we tend to "not talk about" in public because who wants to admit these things.  This blog is my chance to put my issues "out there" and in turn, face them head on.
  I struggled with an eating disorder from the age of 13.  I've never been so bad that I have needed treatment, but there have been times when I've not eaten for longer than just a few days.  Over the past few years I have been able to really look at my triggers and work on living a healthy and happy life so that the old triggers don't have the same affect any more.  It's not 100% effective, but it works for now.
  One of the most important things to me right now, one thing that I can safely control, is my running.  That's the other reason I started this blog - as a suggestion from a speaker I heard.  He said one way to hold yourself accountable with your exercise is to create a blog, ask some friends to read it and talk about what you are doing.  So far, it's working.  I update on my Twitter, which is how most of my readers find me and others just see the link on my facebook page.
  All in all, I'm just living my life and trying to make the most of it.  If you have any other questions, just message them my way. :)