I've been thinking I'd like to see your eyes open real wide the minute that you see me

I've been thinking I'd like to see your eyes open real wide the minute that you see me

Sunday, April 11, 2010

what a weekend!

So I jumped on my wii fit today to check my weight - this weekend alone I lost 1.2lbs! That's so crazy!

But, it's honestly totally believable when you look at my weekend - Relay for Life (walked at least 3 miles if not more), my 5k Sat morning, set up for the formal, shopping for the formal, the formal (3 hours of dancing), tear down and Zumba today. Wow.

Can you say exhausted? I slept so well last night - passed out around 2am and then woke up dead awake at 9.30am... so I moved to the couch, put on some old dvr episodes of Ghost Hunters and Destination Truth (my favorite shows EVER) and promptly fell asleep for another hour.

I woke up when one of my staff knocked on my door and asked about an event I was planning on going to... but pretty much slept through instead. Oh well.

I did make it to Zumba... where she kicked my butt again. I missed Friday due to interviews and somehow it felt like I was starting from day 1 again. I actually had to stop and get water twice between songs! I haven't done that in forever.

And of course she chose today to do the jumping jack - squat - push up - curl combo to end. I barely made it through abs but it was worth it!

After Zumba I went back to my apt, got dressed and made my way to my co-workers engagement party. Had some cake and snacks there and then went to dinner where I ate a horribly bland grilled chicken salad.

Oh well... such is life.

But anyway... on to some photos. I may add more later, but as promised earlier...

My uncles lumenaria from Relay in front of our table (the always amazing Buffy moved it for me) Photobucket

Me all nasty and sweaty (and as 2 friends said... very butch looking) after my run Sat morning Photobucket

Me later that night at the formal

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