I've been thinking I'd like to see your eyes open real wide the minute that you see me

I've been thinking I'd like to see your eyes open real wide the minute that you see me

Monday, May 31, 2010

Wow... Crazy girl today!

  So after spending most of my afternoon in a chair, watching my favorite cover band (Jetset Kings - if you are in the OK, check them out!) I felt I really needed some exercise.
  Seriously, thank God for my pedometer from work!  It keeps me in check.  I had walked less than two miles and it was almost 6pm when I realized that! So not good.
  So, I got dressed and drove out to Riverside.  Ran a full mile, stopped to stretch, walked .25miles, ran .25, walked a little more, ran another .5miles, walked a little more, ran another .5 and then walked the last mile back.  Got in just over 2 miles on my run and walked a little under 2 miles.  All in under 50 minutes.  Not too bad.  I finished just as my last song stopped so I knew the time when I was done.  I kept a slow run the whole time and it really helped - especially since it was 88 degrees when I was running.  But I did it, and that was the best part.  I wanted to give up after a mile but I kept going.
  Of course now I'm battling a headache so I'm going to try to go to bed earlier than usual in hopes that it will go away while I sleep.  I know it's from dehydration.  I never manage to drink enough on the weekends and it didn't help I was sitting under the sun for 3 hours straight.  Oh well.
  What exciting things did you readers do for Memorial Day?  What was your best part?
  The best part of Memorial Day Weekend for me was this morning - waking up to a text from a close friend who was letting us know he was safely back from fighting abroad in the Army.  He's been gone about 2 years so that made my day. :)
  Enjoy the last few hours of your extended weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. I spent the day at work, then eating some brats with my friends, then driving home about 20 minutes later with a migraine. I was in bed by 8pm, now I can't get back to sleep!
