I've been thinking I'd like to see your eyes open real wide the minute that you see me

I've been thinking I'd like to see your eyes open real wide the minute that you see me

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Full Moon 5k

This weekend has been one of the longest and most fun-filled I've had since I moved here.
We finally were able to close my building as of today. My staff has been working extremely hard to get all the residents safely moved out and either home or into other halls. Their hard work and dedication made the paperwork I have to do so much smoother and I owe them so much for that!
My senior RA graduated yesterday. As part of her graduation, Caitlin wanted everyone to eat together at Full Moon Cafe. I was super excited when we arrived because I realized it was the cafe that was sponsoring the race I was running that night! Photobucket
Food was pretty good - I got a burger for protein before my race. :)
I realized very quickly that night races are hard for me. I worked most of the day - working on closing or graduation stuff so I seriously thought about skipping the race (ok... not seriously - but I did for a second). I took a quick nap and then felt a little better. As soon as I got into my running outfit I felt much more psyched and ready for the race.
Joey agreed to go with me to the race as I wasn't sure if my instructor or classmates would be there (if they were, I never found them). Upon arriving I learned that there were over 2,000 runners which is a pretty big race and a very intense experience as I was soon to learn.
I got in line around 7.45pm and then the gun went off. Within the first few minutes a rude older man pushed me out of his way. I had a feeling this was going to be the start of one of my hardest races. I was very thankful that it was on the parkway - an area I am very used to running already. Photobucket
They said the race was a good "flat, first time" race - not so true. It had 2 small hills which would not be great for a first run but whatever... I still made it. :)
I was super proud of myself for this race - I ran the first part to the corner non-stop. Then I only took 4 20 second walking breaks - jogged slow for a short song and the rest was running. I was thrown off slightly - I have my song list timed so I know that if I get more than half way through Survivor by Destiny's Child that I am not going to make time and it felt like all of a sudden I was at my end song. I punched it really hard and made it across the line around my usual 31 minute time. I'm waiting for the website to upload all the times so I can post my official timed run score.
Here's a quick photo of me after the race. Photobucket
Afterwards to celebrate, we went out. :) Saw an amazing band - Jet Set Kings and enjoyed dancing and drinking some good beer all night.
Now off to dinner with our brother hall and then probably going to see Iron Man 2. Exciting!!

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