I've been thinking I'd like to see your eyes open real wide the minute that you see me

I've been thinking I'd like to see your eyes open real wide the minute that you see me

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Today's workout was ok. Tuesday nights are always a hard workout since I have a weekly meeting from 5.30-6pm. This meeting means I can't do my Zumba (which I love love love) on Tues/Thurs and it means I either have to eat dinner at 4pm (which I try not to) or after the gym which is usually closer to 7pm.
Tonight was an after night. I'm a firm believer that you should never eat before working out. I've learned in the past that unless I'm running, it really makes me sluggish and not work as hard.
But anyway, I made it in by 6.15pm and was able to jump on the arctrack right away. I did what I said I would and went a level up. It was a little bit of a struggle but I managed 30 minutes and according to the machine, burned 300some calories and hit 1.47miles. Not too bad. I usually strive for 400 calories in 30min on any machine I'm on except the bikes.
After the elliptical, I headed upstairs to the small room to do some ab work. Usually I don't care if there are a few people in there - I've noticed if you go in and just do your own thing, they tend to leave. However today there were 6 people in there and two were doing push-ups on the floor so I wouldn't have been able to use the ab machine anyway so I allowed my abs one day of rest (kinda).
I found an empty mat next to the track and proceeded to do 10 minutes of stretching and 25 sit-ups. By then it was almost 7pm and I hadn't eaten since lunch at 11am.
I walked home with the intent of making a turkey burger and home-made baked fries. However, I quickly realized my potatoes were all bad so I had to drive to the store to get more. I also picked up some apples for snacks this week and some cream of mushroom for the pot roast I'll make this weekend. But, sadly, I forgot to pick up milk for my Cheerios. Probably a subconscious thing so I'll have to go tomorrow to Whole Foods and get some there along with some cucumber sushi for dinner. :)
As I said, Tuesdays are always a rough workout day. I probably should use it as my day off, but I figure I make up for it on Wed. since I have my 6am running class. I absolutely love this class (just slightly less than Zumba). We start out with a 2 lap job, stretch, and then shoot for anything past a mile. Last week we ran 3 miles!! I was so excited for us! It's me, the instructor and two people who work at the center. I like it - they are at my speed of running since I stopped a few months ago. It's been really helpful bringing me back up to where I was. We are preparing for a 5k we picked in April. I'm so stoked - I want to bring up my time. My last 5k was just over 30min and I want to be AT 30 or less this time if I can. We did our 3 miles in about 40 minutes. And because of the class, I feel like I finally have learned the runners breathing which has made things so much easier on me. :)
Tomorrow is also weigh in for Biggest Loser. I'm kinda nervous. Last week her scale was broken and said I was back up to my original weight (so it was 4lbs off) but I stepped on the gym scale tonight before and after my workout and it said I had lost another pound so I'm super excited to step on the scale tomorrow. I really hope I'm down 5lbs. That would be all the more closer to my goal.
We have a spring formal in April and I really want to be down to at least 145 for it because I have a certain dress I want to wear. :) Wish me luck!!

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