I've been thinking I'd like to see your eyes open real wide the minute that you see me

I've been thinking I'd like to see your eyes open real wide the minute that you see me

Monday, August 8, 2011

7 Miles and then some

  So this past week Eryn and I have run the most we have together ever.  I ran 16.11 miles this week.  I'm still amazed when I see that number... I never thought I'd get past 10 miles a week but the number keeps growing, which is both scary and exciting.

  Yesterday we went to a speaker to hear about eating better while training.  Thankfully I already knew a lot of what she shared with us and am practicing it.  She did encourage us to drink more Gatorade so I went out last night and bought a few bottles for quick gulps after the longer runs.  She also reminded us that even though we are running longer distances we shouldn't up the junk food intake.  That's always hard for me - especially during opening because it's just so easy to reach for that candy bar for some quick sugar rather than a piece of fruit.

  She gave us some helpful information to prevent "digestive issues" during and after a race.  Pretty sure most runners have had those problems.  Definitely will use that advice in the future.  I'm really glad we went to her.  And most importantly she said to follow my life rule "if you crave it, have it."  No reason to deny yourself as long as you aren't going too crazy with the junk food.

  The seven mile run wasn't as bad as I expected and it's allowed me to set a goal for this weekend.  I paused my Nike app each time I walked so I could get a real read of what I was actually running.  I did better than I expected - I ran 5.9 out of 7 miles.  My goal for this week will be at least 6 out of 7 miles.  What's going to be even harder is as soon as we finish I have to rush home, shower and be ready for training!  Whew!

  The run was also fun because it took us all through downtown.  I never knew just how small our downtown really was - when I can run all over it in about 5 miles - pretty crazy!  But nice to see new things I've never seen before and new ways of getting to places.

  I was supposed to start morning runs with Eryn this morning but I think my body and mind weren't cooperating with my plans.  I didn't fall asleep until after 12.30am last night and apparently 1) set my alarm incorrectly and 2) left my phone "on" so it was lit all night so the battery died before I had to get up.  I've been sleeping with my work phone on silent since the school year hasn't started yet and forgot it in the living room so even that wasn't going to wake me up.  I sat up at 7.30am and realized what happened and was so disappointed in myself.  I'll have to figure out a way to make those 3 miles up - maybe tomorrow night if it cools down.

  I'm also keeping the weight off, which is nice.  I'm down to 142.0 which I'm pretty proud of.  My wii however felt the need to tell me that my "ideal weight" would be 126.0 and I should work towards that goal.  Seriously... way to be supportive wii.  I can't and should never get down that far - I would look terrible and sickly.  Just more reason to hate the unreasonable and irresponsible BMI chart.  I don't believe that I would be "at my healthiest" at that weight, as my wii says I would be.  I already take in less than 1500 calories on a non-workout day - I can't even imagine taking in less to hit my "ideal weight" - no desire to go down that path again!

  Hopefully I'll be able to keep everything together this week between training and RA training.  I'm going to do my best as both my job and my training are the most important things to me right now.  I'll do my best to update and keep you in the loop to how I'm managing! : )

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