I've been thinking I'd like to see your eyes open real wide the minute that you see me

I've been thinking I'd like to see your eyes open real wide the minute that you see me

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Long and short run

  My instructor asked me to start coming in 30 minutes before Jess arrives so I can get my long run in and then I can still run with her.  I guess that way I won't lose where I am in distance and speed.  I like that though - because then I can have my cool down when she arrives and she won't be running alone (plus I get more run time in so... good deal in the end).  It also allows me to get back to my office and work a bit before the day ends and dinner time arrives. :)
  Yesterday was his birthday so he skipped class (I didn't know until last minute).  Thankfully I took my shuffle (I never run to music in class) so I wasn't at a complete loss when running.  I switched it up a bit with my run again since Monday worked so well.  I started at 20 laps and worked down to 2 miles.  I had 4 more laps but I started later than I wanted so I didn't want to be running when Jessica arrived.
  I have also realized that switching up my playlist has actually helped me this week.  I think I became so dependent on what song was coming next and where I stood vs. that song and it started to bring me down if I wasn't on the lap I wanted to be at.  Now I just run, get lost in the music and I'm good.
  When Jessica arrived we started with her warm up and stretching.  I've realized this week that stretching is one of my favorite things to do at the gym.  I love the feeling of my muscles being pulled/pushed to their brink and how great it feels.  Odd, I know but it's true.  I don't know that I will ever be as flexible and September or Danielle, but we'll see.
  I told Jessica that if Eddie arrives, we'll follow his routine for the day but if he skips out, we're going to shoot for a mile.  She kept hoping he would come but he didn't.  Lucky her! ha ha
  I didn't want to overwhelm her so we did a 3-2-1 day.  I haven't done one of those in forever so it was weird but nice to have the breaks.  I was very proud of her - I told her on the last lap if she wanted to go further and try to make the mile we could.  She pushed herself and we ended up doing a 3-2-2.5 before she had to stop and walk.
  I explained that how Eddie got me to raise my distance was through this process - to keep building your numbers up and then reduce the walking.  Before I started running straight miles I was up to something like a 5-4-3-2-1 and then I just started cutting out the walks and just ran and ran.
  It's an interesting process because it reminds me of where I was in January and how far I've come.  I don't think Jessica believes me when I tell her I was in her place almost a year ago.  Yes, I ran campus all the time but for some reason the track was different and when I started running again in January I hadn't run in months so it was hard to start again and it took me a while to bring myself back to where I was (and surpass it now).
  Running lately has also gotten me excited to attempt Western when I go home for Homecoming.  I plan to run campus at least once if not twice (or more) just to see if I can still do it and if so, how far I can get before I have to stop.  I used to be able to get about a mile and a half or so in before having to walk.  I also want to see if I get the "runner's high" when I attempt our hills there again.  I miss that feeling so much - the total euphoria of making it to the top of a huge hill and knowing you kicked your butt doing it is a great feeling.  I need to find some intense hills around here so I can keep up my pace.
  I'm also hoping to run at the river at least once this weekend if not twice.  I need to get back to running outside - especially since the weather this weekend is dropping to the 70's - I need to make good use of that!  Maybe I can even convince Joey to run with me... :)

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