I've been thinking I'd like to see your eyes open real wide the minute that you see me

I've been thinking I'd like to see your eyes open real wide the minute that you see me

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Snow, snow and more snow!

  The past week has been absolutely crazy!  If you haven't heard, the mid-west has been hit with the storm that the East Coast experienced a few weeks ago.  Our little university has been closed since Monday evening due to the 14 inches we received of white stuff on the ground.  Between the constant snow/ice over the past few days it's been hard to escape the apartment.  Well, that and the fact that my back door is closed thanks to a giant snow drift that goes half way up the door.
  Thankfully we consider the Fitness Center to be essential staff and it has been open from 10am - 6pm each day!  And even more thankful for Eryn who has gone with me every day.  If it weren't for her energy I honestly probably wouldn't have taken more than 1,000 steps a day (I usually average between 12,000 - 15,000 a day). I hate snow - it makes me not want to do anything and it traps me for days in my house!  I know how to drive in snow because I'm from the Northeast and we got snowed in all the time but people in Oklahoma... don't understand how to drive in snow so it becomes very dangerous at times like this!
  But on the bright side, I'm slowly progressing with my running.  Eryn's knee has been growing a little stronger it seems and we made it to just over 2 miles today.  I've been pushing as close to 2 miles every day this week and today I got 2.25.  And the best part - today I didn't have a headache afterwards!  Made me feel so much better!
  After our 1.5hour workout I walked across campus (about a half mile) to get dinner with Jessica.  I was famished!!  I had turkey, mashed potatoes, squash, green beans and broccoli, a wheat roll and 3 slices of honey dew.  It was the best dinner ever - well worth the walk in 18 degree weather!
  I'm trying to really work out the tightness in my legs I'm feeling this week. I bought a foam roller the other weekend for just over $16 at Fleet Feet downtown and I love it.  For those who don't know, this is a foam roller:

  You can do a ton of exercises with it - some examples can be found at http://sportsmedicine.about.com/od/flexibilityandstretching/ss/FoamRoller.htm.  A picture example of what I tend to do after a workout is:
  I was taught how to use it by one of my girls and it has been a wonderful addition to my post-workout routine!  It really helps me stretch and my muscles to relax after a hard workout and run. If you haven't tried one out yet - you really should!
  In other news, due to the massive amount of snow we've received and are expected to receive over next week, our race has been postponed until the 19th.  I have to look at my schedule to make sure I'm not on duty and I don't have anything going on.  They want to make sure all the snow and ice has melted so we have a clear path.  I'm pretty excited - Eryn said she looked at the course (I never do before a race) and it seemed pretty flat.  I haven't had a flat course in what seems like forever so it will be nice to not have any major hills. : )
  Well, it's almost 1am here so I'm off to get some sleep!

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