I've been thinking I'd like to see your eyes open real wide the minute that you see me

I've been thinking I'd like to see your eyes open real wide the minute that you see me

Friday, April 1, 2016

Life has been a crazy mess but I'm making it through!

Tomorrow is our Fainting Goat 5k (2nd Annual) so that's exciting and busy since this weekend is also the Knoxville Marathon. One of my staff is actually running the marathon so I have to find time to make him a sign as well. So excited for him - he's been working so hard on this!

Speaking of marathons... I officially signed up for the Savannah Rock and Roll Half Marathon in November since the Disney Wine and Dine yet again sold out very quickly. My friend Cat thought Savannah would be best for us to run our first half together (her first, my 4th).  I'm super excited about this - as I mentioned before, I'm starting from scratch again - I'm on week 2, day 3 of the C25K program and once that is complete, I plan to advance to their 10k program followed by their half marathon program. I'm really looking forward to running 3+ miles every other day again. I miss that feeling so much (and miss being that skinny!) so it's a wonderful goal to set for myself.

This week I wasn't able to keep my date with the gym as I'd have liked to so I've downloaded the squat and push up challenge apps from the C25K company and plan to start adding those to my workouts.  I also have a wonderful co-worker who asked me to start walking with him in the mornings so I'm going to try to incorporate that into my schedule at least 2-3 times a week to start the good changes.  I'm still managing to keep over 12,500 steps every day and getting my 5 miles in but some days are easier than others.

Fingers crossed all continues to go well. Next goal is doing the Savannah Women's Half Marathon in 2017. It's actually happening this weekend - my hope is to register early (then it's only around $30!!) and since I'll know how Savannah is running-wise, and this time of year usually isn't too hectic, I'll be set!

Sadly, today I'm not out there with my gym buddy as she is currently hiking the hill in heels! I wanted to very badly this year but once again my schedule did not allow it. Oh well...

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