I've been thinking I'd like to see your eyes open real wide the minute that you see me

I've been thinking I'd like to see your eyes open real wide the minute that you see me

Monday, January 17, 2011

  This past week has just been a not good week for me and running at all.
  Earlier in the week I suffered a horrible migraine and then had a few days of decent running.  We've been averaging about 1.5 because Eryn's knee is not good and her doctor doesn't want her pushing herself too hard right now which I totally support.
  On Thursday night we went for what was supposed to be a 1.5 mile run.  Around the mile mark my foot started to hurt and 2 laps later I could barely walk on it.  The outer right side was throbbing in pain and shooting up to my ankle.  I barely was able to walk on Friday night either.  I think it was due to the heels I was wearing to work the day before - they were higher than I am used to and I think it messed with my foot more than I thought it would.
  I've iced it all weekend and wrapped it when I walk and it feels much better.  I don't think it was a stress fracture because when I spoke with my student who had/has one she said her foot swelled up horribly and mine hasn't at all.  Just  pain when I walk.  I'm hoping it will be slightly better tomorrow so I can run this week.
  In exciting news, I finally got my Nike+ watch!  I can't wait to start training with it!  When Joey went to weigh in today for Big Loser at Runner's World I bought the shoe holder for it.  Now I'll be a big dork with my key holder on one shoe and my Nike+ holder on my other shoe but it will be worth it if this thing works as well as it is supposed to.
  Hopefully this past week is all the pain I will endure this year with running.  I feel like in one week to have this many issues should clear me for a few good months. : )  We shall see.  Still on course for the next 5k (we downgraded due to Eryn's knee) in Feb.  No more issues before then I hope!!

1 comment:

  1. When I went to the SACSA conference in November, I wore heels the entire time and omg! I couldn't run for a few days after I got home. They messed my feet up so badly! I think we both learned our lesson, uh?! :)
