My apologies for the lack of updates. I've been home for just over a week and have been spending most of the time playing "catch-up" with work and my messy apartment.
Being back at my old stomping grounds was wonderful and eye-opening at the same time. I love my school - always will - but being there reminded me that no matter how long you have been gone, no matter how much you have grown and changed, people will continue to keep their ideas of who you are. I am not the person I was yesterday let alone a year ago so it was an interesting experience.
But on to the good stuff - I was sadly only able to run campus once but it was as amazing and relaxing as I remember. We ran a little shorter than I used to - I used to start next to my old hall - Madison and run the hill down and then the 2 miles around campus and back up the hill. We ran about .25miles from where I usually start, down a small hill, around the football field and parking lot, stretched (for Cat, not me which made me proud) and then finished around Walker hall. We got in right around 2 miles. I could have done a little more but didn't want to exhaust myself when I knew we had a big night planned.
Being able to get that far without stopping, running out of breath, wanting to die was such an amazingly inspiring feeling! Made me realize just how far I'd come when I first started running on campus back in 2007. I could barely make it from one street light to the next before wanting to cry and stop. My goal for my next visit (probably a year from now) will be to do the entire loop of campus which is about 3 miles give or take. That would be the true test of endurance for me - especially with all the hills.
Since I've been back I've been kicking up my training a notch. I've been making sure I do at least 2.5 miles or more each run - even if I have to break it up and want to stop - I push through. I've already done two 3 milers since I've been back. I've also realized that when I run with certain people and the conversation flows it helps me set my pace better and I get lost in the conversation so when we hit our mark I feel like I can go even further which makes me happy.
I've also set the goal of making at least 10 miles each week. I know there will be weeks I can't (like the week I got back) but I plan to get as close to it as possible. At this point I run around 2.5 on Mondays, 3 on Wednesdays (between my class and Jess's class) and usually at least once or twice on the weekends.
Last weekend was too beautiful to pass up so I went to the river and ran by myself just to find some peace and quiet and think some things out from my weekend. It was wonderful to be outside and running in the fresh air. I made a little over 1.5 before walking a half mile then ran .5, walked a little, ran .5 and then finished shortly after. I kept a good pace and tried running from a different starting point so I wasn't able to set myself up with times/places I should be.
It's nice to be home and I'm hoping to take advantage of this fall weather more on the weekends - running by the river is by far one of my favorite ways to de-stress after a tough week. : )
That's so awesome! Wish I could have been there with you!