I've been thinking I'd like to see your eyes open real wide the minute that you see me

I've been thinking I'd like to see your eyes open real wide the minute that you see me

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Get Away

  So I've been very blessed this year - the ability to travel as much as I have in the past 3 months is such a gift as well as the fact that I've got a job that allows me that ability and friends who are willing to take care of my apartment while I'm gone.
  This month I met up with my mother for our yearly vacation together.  We decided on Charleston and could not have asked for a better city to visit!  The city was so welcoming and friendly despite the drop in temperature.  We learned so much about the history of the town and the slave trade in Charleston.
  If you are lucky enough to hit up the city, please make sure to go on one of the carriage rides (we had Patrick as our host) and the Pub tour (with John) - both were full of interesting stories and tales of the town.  The Pub tour was nice because we got to try some new bars in town, eat some great snacks and see what the town had to offer.  We also were told tales of the "dark side" of Charleston and its history of speakeasies and brothels.
  Charleston is also a great city to run in - not that I would know.  I was told not to run over my vacation so I, for once, listened.  I didn't pack any of my items because I knew if I did, I would use them.  Let me tell you, watching at least 5 to 10 runners a day go by you is really hard when that's what you want to do more than anything.  But, I was good and will reward myself with a run either the night I return or on Wednesday when I wake up.
  I even had a nightmare last night that I put on all my gear and couldn't run more than a half mile.  I was so upset in the dream and of course it got me nervous.  I know my mind is playing tricks on me but I'm still nervous about the time off.  We'll see how the rest did for my running I guess in a few days.
  Hope everyone had a great christmas as wellC.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Jessica's first 5k!

  I have to say that by far, this was one of my favorite runs ever.  I was very nervous beforehand - for many reasons.  First being when we signed up for the race, the guy at Fleet Feet told us the weather man was saying it was going to be 25 degrees!!  My last race was 36 degrees and sleet but for some reason 25 degrees made me very nervous.
  The second issue was figuring out who was driving who and where to meet and all that. 
  My third fear was that I was going to push Jessica too hard during the run and she was going to get frustrated with me or tell me to go ahead (which I would but I wouldn't have any music).
  These fears played themselves out slightly in the nightmare I had the night before the race.  I woke up at 6.30am and fell back asleep into a dream where Jess and I decided to go shopping before the race.  As we were getting dressed to race we could hear them calling to line up on the starting line from my window (not possible) and I started to get upset because we were going to miss the gun and didn't have our chips yet to mark our time.
  Thankfully only one fear was realized - we didn't get to meet up with Erica and Eryn until after the race but they had one another so it was all good. : )
  I went through my usual ritual of putting everything out the night before so I was ready and prepared when I got up.  Forgive my bra being out on the internet. : /

  Had to have my good luck hoodie - Gettysburg College.  It was the best purchase I made when I was down visiting my friend Michael a few years ago.  I wear that thing just about every run!  I also made sure to wear my blister-free socks - they are like 2 socks sewn together. I love them!
  I told Joey and Jessica I would drive so we all met outside of my apartment at 8.30am.  The race started at 9.30am and I wanted them to fully experience the pre-run festivities.  Jessica also passed out her operation beautiful signs for us then.  I made one for her that said "I am a strong, beautiful woman who is running her f1st 5k. I am so proud of myself and my friends running today."
  I made her sign special because I wanted to let everyone know that she was achieving a goal she had set and doubted at times.  I knew the community well enough to know that some people would come up and congratulate her but what she received was beyond what I had ever expected or imagined!
  When we arrived we were walking around with our signs on our backs. She was already getting smiles and congrats.  One woman came up to her and told her she also read the blog and asked to take a photo of Jessica and Joey's signs.  Then throughout the race - from the line up to the end, people were coming up to her, patting her on the back, telling her "great job!" and saying how awesome it was she was running her first race and wishing her luck.  It made me love the community even more for that support of a new runner!
  Jessica and I planned before the race that I wasn't going to time myself this race - since it was her race, I would run with her and just be there to support her.  Funny thing was, I think I was more nervous about it than she was.  She set a goal of sub-45 and wanted to run a few minutes and then walk as little as possible while not pushing herself too hard. 
  The gun went off and Jessica, her friend Michael, his dog Rosie and I were off!  Joey went ahead of us as she had set a sub-40 goal for herself.  We started with a great pace and managed to make it mostly up the first hill before we needed a serious walking break.
  I didn't realize how many hills we would have on the race but she handled them with grace and didn't complain once!  The worst one was into a park I didn't even know existed even though I drive the road all the time.  We jogged part, walked part and ran part of it.  As we ran down the other side of the hilly park we passed a news camera.  Both Michael and I started screaming "it's her first 5k!!" so I'm sure we didn't get on the news. ha ha ha
  By the time we finished the park I realized we'd already hit past the half way point (made me love lolli-pop races more!!) and Michael asked Jess where she stood on a scale of 1-10 (10 being I could run 20 more miles and 1 being I want to die right now) and she was at a 4.5 - 5.  That made me so proud!!  A few months ago - she would not have been able to say that.  She has come so far!!
  We told her our goal for her was to run from 32nd to 35th and cross the finish line - about a half mile - straight.  We both knew she would be tired but could do it.  And she did - as we entered the last leg and started running through the people Michael and I again started screaming "she's finishing her first 5k!!" and others were screaming back.  It was such a great experience.
  Jessica, Michael and I crossed at sub-40!!  I had to tease her - she beat my first 5k score (41:14, 13:17 pace) by a good couple of minutes and I was older than her and had been running just as long!  As we stood in line to get food and find out how Erica and Eryn had done people once again started coming up and congratulating her about running her first race and teasing her about "catching the running bug" and having to race again.  I hope she does - I told her I'd like her to run either in April or the Full Moon race in May with me!
  These are photos Michael took of us after the race with Erica's camera.  I need to get a camera to take while I run - some of the view were amazing - the droves of people ahead of us running up hills - the outfits - I wish I'd taken photos of all of it!!
Erica and Eryn.  Eryn is my summer running buddy.

 Me and my girls holding our operation beautiful signs

 Jessica and Michael
 Me, Joey and Jessica - their first 5k in Tulsa!!
 All the ladies together! We kicked butt!
Jessica, Michael and Rosie.  They were a big help/support while we ran!
  All in all it was a great race.  I am so proud of everyone - they all did a great job with their times and pace!  I can't wait now for my New Years race!!  I am not shooting for sub-28 but I would like to hit my usual mark around 30mins and not walk.  We'll see. : )
  Thank you again Jessica, Joey, Erica and Eryn for running with me this race!  It made it even more special.  My only regret is that we didn't get a photo of Jess crossing the finish line - we'll have to do that next race! ; )

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Lucky 105

  So this is my 105th post since I started blogging.  For some odd reason, 105 is one of my "lucky numbers" - probably because it's the only locker I remember having in high school and I have a slight (ha ha) obsession with the number 5.
  Anyway, this post is going to be filled with many photos and lots of exciting updates/news so prepare yourself. : )
  First, I have to say that this week is only half done and I have already ran 8.75 miles!  I am so excited/proud about this fact.  I haven't been so good about my 10mile a week goal and when this week is finished, I will hit 12 miles (thanks to the race).  I'm so excited about that prospect!
  I ran 3.5 with Eryn on Monday, 2 with Phoebe last night and 2.25 with my instructor today.  Then we met up with Jess and ran another mile with her.  I am taking tomorrow and Friday off so I will be ready for my race on Saturday.
  I'm super excited about the race this weekend - I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to do it.  Last week I pushed myself really hard and almost ended up getting hurt.  I arrived back in town on Monday, ran 3 miles straight on Tuesday night and then did 2 miles for class.  I went to do another mile with Jess and the insides of both of my calves got charlie horses while we were running.  I tried to run them out, figuring they'd stretch out, but instead they started rolling around and cramping horribly.  Horrible pain - to the point I had to stop and walk a little bit (which I never do anymore).  I tried running another lap but couldn't do it and ended up giving up for the day.  I put IcyHot on them (couldn't find my Mineral Ice) and the next day they were still bad.
  I had a formal that night so rather than be a smart person and wear flats (which hurt my feet horribly), I wore very high heels.  But, thanks to my running and Zumba, you can see my legs are looking very nice! ha ha

  The walk across campus was long but I made it. : )  And the shoes were removed after a little over an hour - mostly because they were giving me blisters and I can't run with blisters.  It was a huge change from formal last year - by close to 20lbs.  I appreciated all the sweet comments from everyone that night.
  Tonights excitement was registering for my next 5k.  This one is even more exciting than all the others because I am running with one of my RA's and one of my former residents.  Jess, my RA, has been running with me every Wednesday since August.  She has lost weight, gone from a half lap on the track to five straight laps and has come a long way in a short time.  I am so proud of her!
  We decided that the Jingle Bell 5k would be a good testing point for her.  She has set her goal for sub 45 which is going to be good for her.  Possibly a little challenging, depending on how much she walks, but I know she'll do wonderfully.  I told her when I ran my first 5k I was right around mid-44 so that's a good time.  I did mine with a ton of hills too so we'll see.  It will be her first PR and a good starting point.  Her next goal will be running an entire 5k.  Took me a year so we'll see if it takes her less.
  This is my first long-sleeve t-shirt race.  I may actually wear it on race day - a first for me.  We'll see how cold it is.  I'm figuring I'll wear the same outfit I did for my last race - tank, t-shirt and hoodie combo.  Seems to work good during cold months - keeps me warm but not overheating.
  We got some fun goodies in our bag too.  Jess hasn't seen them yet, but here's the shirt:

  Sorry - I will have to go in later and arrange it so it's right side up.  My cell doesn't do that. : (
  My lucky number for this race...

  Jess will be 1086 so if you are in or at the race, cheer for us!!
  The best surprise in the bag...

  Oh yeah! We got a cowbell! ha ha I love Oklahoma!!  We found this along with our little jingle bells for our shoes.  I am going to return a favor to Jess for this race and make her an Operation Beautiful sign for her back when we race.  In return, she is making me a new one (my last one is laminated and hanging in the center of all my race bibs on the wall in my office) as well as making one for Eryn and her roommate Erica to wear if they would like to do so.
  My last bit of news... a big congrats to my friend Sarah (the beautiful blonde to my right in the photo - I'm center).

  Sarah has officially started a couch to a 5k program (similar to mine) and is on her way to becoming healthier, happier and a stronger runner! I am so happy for her and we're already making plans to run in the mornings when we travel together this summer.  May sound silly to some, but I've learned from others that there's nothing like getting to see a city by running a few miles each morning.  You really get a different outlook on life in that area.  I can't wait!  I know Sarah and she will give it her all and be up to my mileage in no time!  Maybe I can even get her to blog about her thoughts/struggles/achievements. ; )  We'll see.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

3 Miles and more

  I never thought I'd see the day when I could say that 3 miles is becoming easy!  My last 3 runs over the past week have all been 3-3.5 miles and I've been great after!  It's so exciting to know that I may be able to do a 10k this Spring after all!  My goal right now is to work up to around 5 miles by Spring time so I can comfortably do a 10k with the possibility of a little walking (which would be totally fine).
  Eryn and I ran the track for 3 miles tonight and I felt so good.  My legs were a little jelly-like when we finished but I know I could have easily done another 1/2 mile if I pushed myself.  Such a great feeling!
  I looked up our running scores today.  That experience made me so thankful that I live in an area where there are two major chain running stores - Fleet Feet and Runner's World.  They make registering for races so easy and when they use timed chips, they actually know how to use them.  I don't want to seem too bitchy because I know that this was only the 2nd annual race, but a chip should start when one crosses the start line and end when they cross the finish line.  If they aren't at the head of the line, their time should officially NOT reflect what the time board said when they crossed.  I didn't cross the Start line until at least 15-20 seconds AFTER the gun went off.  I was in the middle/back area.  When I looked at the time scores they had me listed at the exact time I crossed the line according to the board - very disappointing.  Especially when I had a half mile to go and I was told the time from when we started was 21minutes.  Either way, I was under 28 minutes so I'm still very proud of myself.
  I'm also excited because Eryn told me tonight that she and her roommate (also a former resident of mine) will be running with us for the 5k on December 11th!  That made me happy - more support for Jess and me!  Eryn said her roommate would probably run with the faster group so she'd stay with us.  I know Jess is nervous as the race is only a few weekends away but I know she's going to do wonderful and she'll have her first PR!  That's always so exciting.  I keep thinking about my new PR - how far I've come from my first 5k (in the mid-40's) and how/if I will ever beat it again! I guess time will tell...

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sticks and Biscuits 5k

  For Christmas this year I wanted nothing more than to do a 5k race with my godson Corey.  What I thought would be an easy task ended up being extremely stressful but ended up being one of the best races I've done so far.
  I read about the race before I left for Pennsylvania.  I figured since it was the next town over it would not be a big deal - quick registration and race.  Being in Hershey made me realize just how wrong I was and how much I appreciate Tulsa for having running stores that allow you to register in advance (in person) and make the whole process easier.
  The race was on Thanksgiving Day however registration closed on the 5th for mail-ins.  Anyone after that had to wait until either race day or the day before to register.  We tried to register the day before but got horribly lost thanks to the directions the guy gave us (the website was NO help).  So that meant we had to get up at 6.30am to go register before the race.
  Having done races before - this being my 6th this year alone (I have done 3 or 4 in the distant past), I, like most runners, have a system.  I put my clothing out before I go to bed.  I make sure my iShuffle is charged.  I plan out my breakfast (just a half of a granola bar) and try to get at least 6-8 hours of sleep the night before.
  This was, I believe, Corey's first 5k.  We ended up staying up late and talking so there went my sleep.  He woke up and thought it was a school day so he jumped in the shower (which cause me to start having a panic attack downstairs) and then as we were about to leave, he couldn't find his arm band.  We still had to pick up his friend and find the race.  Needless to say, I was silently freaking out.
  As we pulled out of the driveway, we were greeted by sleet and a cold, dreary morning.  Who wants to race in that?  We made the decision that if we couldn't find the place, we'd turn around and go out for breakfast instead and just chalk it up.
  As we were driving, I saw the sign we missed the night before.  With luck on our side, we found the race and were able to register on time!  Sadly, we were too late to receive a t-shirt as over 900 people registered for the race (I saw bibs as low as the 200's so there were a lot of people there).  I was very surprised with the turn out - partly with the weather being so horrible and partly because it was only the 2nd annual run but I love racing with a lot of people so it made me happy.
  The gun went off at 8.15am sharp and we were off.  Corey and his friend took a lead of about 2 minutes, which I expected.  We ran down from the airport into a neighborhood and then back around.  I realized from this run that I prefer the lollipop courses as opposed to the turn around courses I tend to run in Tulsa.  It's easier for me to NOT know where the "half-way" point is.  I just knew that when I exited the neighborhood I'd have about a mile to go and a since a mile is now "easy" to me, I figured I could trick my mind/body into completing it.
  As I was nearing the last half mile a man came up beside me and motioned about my earbuds.  I turned my music off and he explained that we'd started together - he had been behind me most of the race and wanted to tell me I was doing a great job.  I explained that it was my Christmas gift from my godson - our first race together.  I explained I had two goals for this race - to stay close to 30min and to run the entire thing - both firsts for me.  We talked about when we started running - he used to run in his teens and 20's (he was prob 40's - 50's) and did 7 marathons.  I explained I picked up running when I hit 30 and never looked back.  No goals with marathons but perhaps a half some day.
  After a few minutes he realized that I was running slower because of him so he encouraged me to push on and he dropped back a little bit.  I told him I'd see him at the finish line and sped up to get back my pace.
  The greatest feeling in the world, aside from runner's high - is coming up on the clock and seeing what your time is.  When I got closer to the clock I realized that my time was under 30.  I was seeing 27.30 so I pushed with all my might and crossed over at 27.58.  The best thing though - is that I know my time will be less than that.  We had chips and I know that I didn't cross the start line when the gun went off so my time may even be around 27.30, which would be unbelieveable.  And I was able to attain both of my goals - I ran the ENTIRE race for the first time EVER!!  I was so proud of  myself.  And as I crossed the finish line Corey was walking by so he got to see me cross.  That made me so happy. : )

  Here we are after the race (Thanks to Boyer for taking the photo).  I warned him this would be put online but he's 17 and I guess doesn't care.
  We are planning to do a 5 mile loop tomorrow before I leave.  I'm excited to see how much of it I can actually do.  And in 2 weeks I have a race with my RA Jessica and then... my run into the new year!  So excited to be finishing out my year with a total of 8 races!!  I've come so far and hopefully things keep looking up with life and my runs!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Tonight's Run... 4 miles...

  What a day!  I'm back on the East Coast for a little bit and figured since I can't sleep tonight I'd update on my first real day back in my hometown(ish) area!
  My godchildren have been so great.  My 2nd oldest (he's 5) stayed up so he could see me when I got here.  He "surprised me" when I went upstairs to check on the little ones (10 months and 3 year old).  They are so adorable!  Both girls have already warmed up to me which makes me feel great since this is the first time I'm meeting the baby. : )
  I think I finally convinced my oldest godson (he's 17) to run with me this Thursday.  There's a local race and since I missed Oct and managed to schedule my flight out on the day I wanted to race (ugh!) I need to get this race in before I return home to OK.
  We did a "test run" tonight.  I was about two minutes behind Corey the entire time (for about a half mile or so) and then he suddenly disappeared.  I called his name out a few times while jogging in place but didn't get a response so I kept running up the street figuring eventually I'd run into him again.  Thankfully it was only 7pm when we were running.
  I ended up getting lost (as I always do in their neighborhood) and ran almost 4 miles by the time we found one another again!  As it turns out he'd ran towards the woods and I wasn't even going to attempt that in the dark and when I was blasting my music.  I kept running though - through the pain in my side and up the many hills I encountered.  It felt so good to be outside running again - reminded me of the nights I'd run with friends on campus - bundled up in my sports bra, tank top, underarmor, t-shirt and hoodie just to stay warm.  Gosh how I miss those days!
  We are going to do a quick 3 miler tomorrow night, take Wed off and race Thursday morning bright and early!  Then I told him our last run would be a 5 miler he ran all summer.  It's going to be hard for me but I'm up for the challenge I think.  I still can't believe I ran without stopping at all tonight.  I wanted to take a break at one point but two things stopped me - I know that when I stop sometimes it's harder for my body to be ok with keeping a good pace again and I didn't feel comfortable walking in a neighborhood I don't know very well.  Both things worked in my favor and I was able to show myself that I can run an entire 3.2 mile race.  Hopefully Thursday will be good for me and I'll be able to run the entire thing - which will be a big step.  I'm not setting a time goal - more just a "how far can I run before I need to rest" goal.  I usually make it to almost 2 miles in a race before I need to stop but I've been pushing myself harder these past months so we'll see how well I do!!
  Hopefully I will have an update soon. : )

Thursday, November 18, 2010

All sorts of firsts...

  This week has been interesting.  The doctor put me on naproxen (or something like that) which really bothered me.  I haven't taken any type of medication for pain in about 3 years so I felt like it was a step back for me but I am doing as I'm told and it feels like things are slowly healing.
  I was very careful during Zumba this week and thankfully we don't have class tonight so I have a week and a half off to let my arm finally relax (well... a week off from class - not running and holding my beautiful godbabies).
  Running has been wonderful this week.  I've set and achieved some new goals which is always exciting.  My Monday running buddy and I set a 3mile goal and we did it.  I was pretty exhausted after we finished but I did it.  My legs were shaking so badly it took a good five minutes for them to calm down.  Kinda scared me a little bit truth be told.
  Wednesday I really pushed myself though.  In my running class he's been having me do endurance running - running hard 2 min, slow a min and back to hard 2 mins.  This week we ran just 2 miles - no tempo, no strength, no nothing - just two miles at my pace.  He said 2 or 3 times that we weren't going to stop at all which kinda made me laugh as I never stop when I run unless it's during tempos/endurance and I sometimes need a quick breath and take a 30 sec walk break.
  I was so proud of myself - we ran what's now becoming the "usual" loop since the weather was getting cold rather than the track (soccer was also playing on the inner part of the track at that point).  I kicked butt - I didn't get tired at all and even went so far as to ask if we could go a little further as we were nearing the end.
  We also had an interesting talk about some of the things guy cross country runners face - I didn't realize how much slack they get - my instructor has actually had things thrown at him just for running in shorts around town.  He said he's called "gay" and the "f" word and middle fingers all the time.  It's such a shame - people need to grow up and get over themselves.  I get whistled at and hollered at which is why I now wear earphones and crank them up - so I can block it all out.
  After a five minute break I ran with Jess who did 3 min, 30 sec break, 2 min, 30 sec break, 3 min and so on for 2 miles.  I couldn't believe when I was finished I had run 4 miles total and probably could have done another half mile easily.  It was such a great feeling - almost as good as the runner's high I used to get.
  To make things even better for my night, I went to Banana Republic to see what was on sale for the week.  I found a super cute pair of gray pants with light pink stripes on them.  I loved them but they were in a size 8 and I'm a 10 so I wasn't going to bother to try them on.  Joey insisted I at least try and what do you know... they fit.  They are the tiniest bit snug in one place but I bought them and will hopefully have them hemmed in a few weeks so they fit with my heels.
  I am hoping to do a Turkey Trot 5k with my godson on Thanksgiving while I am home.  He's been running for a while so hopefully he'll be up for the challenge. I also thought my best friend and the little ones might be interested in doing the Fun Run beforehand. We'll see.  I'm really looking forward to running in a new area again.  Last time I ran in their neighborhood I got horribly lost and ended up running for an hour because I couldn't find my way back to the house!  Hopefully having Corey with me will prevent that from happening again! : )

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tennis elbow from running?

  So I guess I have my first real injury (aside from the horrid fall on the track that still has left a scar on my knee!) from running.
  I finally made an appointment to see a doctor about the pain in my elbow.  I noticed I keep hitting my right elbow on the poles of our upstairs track when I run because I usually run on the inside of everyone else.  To add more injury to it, I tend to bounce it off my door frames in my apartment at least once a day.
  I explained all of this to the doctor who informed me I have "tennis elbow."
  I then apparently offended him because his solution was to take some advil or tylenol.  I explained that I don't self medicate - I don't take any type of pills like that.  I asked if there was another way I could take care of the pain (esp. since I've been living with the constant pain for over a month) outside of aspirin - I didn't want to just mask the pain but actually fix the injury so it heals.  He just looked at me like I was telling him how to do his job and said not really.  He gave me an extra strength prescription for Advil or something that I have to take to Target (which I will... only  because I have a coupon to get a $10 gift card for a new prescrip!) and take that twice a day.  He also, against his wishes, gave me some example stretches I should be doing to help the healing.
  Everything else he suggested consisted of things I was already doing - ice it, wrap it, etc.  That's obviously not really working.  He also gave me some information they had to read about what exactly is going on with my elbow.  I may get a second opinion - last time I saw this doctor he told me my hearing loss was from too much wax while it was really from a collapsed inner ear canal.
  As for running, I did not do my race this past weekend.  I was on duty and received a call as I was planning to leave so it killed those plans.  And this weekend my job is requiring me to drive to AR and camp out so I have to skip the other race I wanted to do.  I believe there may be one on the 20th which isn't ideal since I'll be traveling 12+ hours the following day to get back to PA but I may just do it so I have that under my belt and know what to expect/can set a new goal for the Jingle Bell we are doing on the 11th of December.  Pretty excited for that race - I want Jess to see how far she has come! : )

Thursday, November 4, 2010

First Track Experience

  So yesterday pretty kicked my butt but at the same time showed me how far I've come since I started training with my instructor almost a year ago.
  I had my first track experience yesterday.  I've walked a track with my friend Boyer at my grad school so he could exercise but I haven't run one since high school and even then, that doesn't really count (I was more fast walking than running back then).
  It was definitely a worthwhile experience.  We started just outside of the gym and ran for 5 minutes straight which was basically to the track and around a lap and a half.  Then I began to do 800 meter fartleks (as in true ones, not the ones I'd been doing inside on the track).  That basically meant I ran half the track at my top speed and kept trying to get faster.
  My first try I got 44 seconds.  Then I was hit with the news that I had to get faster for the next 5 - each time trying to shave off a few seconds.  I really never thought I could do it, but I did.  My next one was 41, followed by 39, then 38, 35 and finishing at 33 seconds.  Who knew I could be so fast (other than my instructor and I think I even shocked him a little bit!).
  At that point I was pretty much at my limit and ready to die.  So of course he reminds me we still have another 5 minute run to finish and that a true workout is when you are to the point of complete exhaustion.  We ran the track another 2 laps and then ran back to the gym.
  And let me tell you that I continue to torture myself... when we arrive at the gym Jess is already running her warm-up which means some quick stretches and I'm off running another 1.25 miles with Jess.  Some days I don't know where I have the willpower to do it, but I am so thankful that Jess is taking the class as well this year so I know that I am going to always get at least 3 miles (or more) in each Wednesday.
  I think I've picked my race for the month.  I'm going to swing by Runner's World to make sure I can still register and if I can, I'll be racing this weekend.  Pretty excited - I messed up and missed the races in October due to vacation and duty.  I'm on duty this week but a wonderful co-worker (well, two of them) have agreed to hold the phone so I can race in the next town over.  Pretty excited.  I love running in this type of chilly weather - makes me happy to be alive.
  I'll write more about the race once I am sure I am registered.
  I am also super excited because Joey and Jess may (hopefully) race with me on Dec. 11th for the Jingle Bell 5k!!  How exciting will that be?!  I'm also going to talk to Phoebe and see if she's up for it as well.  And if all goes well... I'll also be running a super sweet race that will start at 11.45pm on New Years Eve and end with me crossing the line in the New Year!!  I'm a dork, I know, but I think that would be the best way for me to start a fresh year!  I can't wait.
  Sorry, as always for the delays in posting - things have been very hectic life and work-wise with Halloween and 2 duty weeks in the past 3 weeks.  I will try to be better. : )

Friday, October 22, 2010

  My apologies for the lack of updates.  I've been home for just over a week and have been spending most of the time playing "catch-up" with work and my messy apartment.
  Being back at my old stomping grounds was wonderful and eye-opening at the same time.  I love my school - always will - but being there reminded me that no matter how long you have been gone, no matter how much you have grown and changed, people will continue to keep their ideas of who you are.  I am not the person I was yesterday let alone a year ago so it was an interesting experience.
  But on to the good stuff - I was sadly only able to run campus once but it was as amazing and relaxing as I remember.  We ran a little shorter than I used to - I used to start next to my old hall - Madison and run the hill down and then the 2 miles around campus and back up the hill.  We ran about .25miles from where I usually start, down a small hill, around the football field and parking lot, stretched (for Cat, not me which made me proud) and then finished around Walker hall.  We got in right around 2 miles.  I could have done a little more but didn't want to exhaust myself when I knew we had a big night planned.
  Being able to get that far without stopping, running out of breath, wanting to die was such an amazingly inspiring feeling!  Made me realize just how far I'd come when I first started running on campus back in 2007.  I could barely make it from one street light to the next before wanting to cry and stop.  My goal for my next visit (probably a year from now) will be to do the entire loop of campus which is about 3 miles give or take.  That would be the true test of endurance for me - especially with all the hills.
  Since I've been back I've been kicking up my training a notch.  I've been making sure I do at least 2.5 miles or more each run - even if I have to break it up and want to stop - I push through.  I've already done two 3 milers since I've been back.  I've also realized that when I run with certain people and the conversation flows it helps me set my pace better and I get lost in the conversation so when we hit our mark I feel like I can go even further which makes me happy.
  I've also set the goal of making at least 10 miles each week.  I know there will be weeks I can't (like the week I got back) but I plan to get as close to it as possible.  At this point I run around 2.5 on Mondays, 3 on Wednesdays (between my class and Jess's class) and usually at least once or twice on the weekends.
  Last weekend was too beautiful to pass up so I went to the river and ran by myself just to find some peace and quiet and think some things out from my weekend.  It was wonderful to be outside and running in the fresh air.  I made a little over 1.5 before walking a half mile then ran .5, walked a little, ran .5 and then finished shortly after.  I kept a good pace and tried running from a different starting point so I wasn't able to set myself up with times/places I should be.
  It's nice to be home and I'm hoping to take advantage of this fall weather more on the weekends - running by the river is by far one of my favorite ways to de-stress after a tough week. : )

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

New Runs

  One of my favorite things in the world, but also one of the most nerve-wracking things at the same time, is running with someone new.  I always wonder - will they run faster than me?  Can I keep up?  What if they want to go longer than I can do?  What if they need to stop all the time?  What if I need to stop a lot?  Do they like to talk or do they prefer music? - these are only a small smattering of the thoughts that run through my mind "pre-run."
  I am always open to running with new people.  I see it as a chance to improve my running - whether it's pushing myself harder to keep up with someone (like my co-worker, Ryan) or slowing myself down and learning to keep a slower, steady pace so I can work on the length of the run not the time (like with Jessica).
  In all honesty, I will almost always choose running with someone over running alone.  The only time I prefer to run alone is if I am having a bad/rough day.  Then I just want to pound my frustrations out into the concrete and lose myself in the music.  Otherwise, I'd much prefer conversation and having someone to push me to the next level.
  Last night I ran with one of my new students this year.  I was nervous because she's been running forever and had gotten herself up to around 45 miles a week (I'm nowhere near that!).  She was great though - we had wonderful conversation right off the bat and I kept pretty good pace with her for how fast she is.  We ended up doing a 2 mile campus look in well under 20 minutes.  I even felt refreshed after run!  It was a very nice feeling.
  Tonight I'm running the track with my former resident Eryn.  I always enjoy running with Eryn - we have great conversation and she is one of those people I can just run forever with.  Chances are pretty high that if I hit over 2 miles, I was running with her. 
  The other big thing going on that I'm looking forward to is leaving in a few days to go home for a week! I haven't been home since January and can't wait to see my friends, former students and ex-co-workers.  It's going to be a great time! : )

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The insanity continues...

  My life has just been insane lately.
  I was proud of myself last week - I finally hit 10 miles for the week (or just over to be honest) and couldn't wait to do it again.... but that didn't happen this week and probably won't this week we're going into either.  Once again, life has exploded.
  Not for lack of trying to exercise though - I've set up and had to postpone 2 running dates with one of my students, which always makes me feel terrible.  I had to cancel today because I'm still in massive amounts of pain from this weekend.  Our outdoors group went on a camping trip and a 12 mile kayaking adventure.  I was exhausted and ready to stop after 6 miles, but we pushed through and did all 12.  Today, I am feeling it!  Between the sunburned knees (seriously?!) and the dull throb across my shoulders... has not been pleasant.  And also has been a constant reminder that I need to work on my upper body again!
  The trip itself was wonderful and as always, a pleasure getting to know new students.  I believe we took about 15 with us and they all seemed to have a blast, which made it worthwhile.
  Last week I kicked butt with my running.  Class was especially hard - I showed up early and got 2 miles in before Jessica arrived.  Then Eddie doubled everything she had to do for me.  I ended up running an additional 1.5 miles along with the killer cardio we did (mtn climber, squats against the wall, medicine ball toss, crunches - ask Jessica about that special one! ha ha).  Needless to say, after class ended I was exhausted!  I hit Zumba up on Thursday against my boss's wishes (she felt I needed a day off) but in the end it was a good thing.  Helped stretch my muscles again and calmed down some of the pain from the day before.
  Then I took Friday off and kayaked on Saturday.  Zumba is a nice cardio kick for me twice a week and I'm sad I'm only going to one class this week but happy because I'm going home for a week!!
  I haven't been home since January so it's going to be nice to see my friends, my told students and old co-workers.  I decided the one time I'll be able to get back to NC would be Homecoming - and what better time to go back?  I'll be staying with friends the entire time and hopefully will be able to catch up with some very missed people.
  I'm planning on packing two sets of running clothes but I'm not sure at this point if I'll be wearing them or not.  I've talked to 3 different friends about running together but we'll see whose schedules coordinate and go from there.  I do plan on running at least one or two nights - I want to test myself and see if I can run my old course, how far I can get and if I can still get tat amazing "runner's high" from the hills.  I miss that intense happy rush so much!
  Before I go I'm planning on a run tomorrow night with a student, Zumba on Tuesday and class on Wed so I'll have a decent start to the week before I go.  And the goal is to not eat too unhealthy while I'm there (or drink too many beers either! I miss NC beer... not gonna lie!).  I also have to make sure I'm well rested while I'm there as well - I can't afford to get sick upon my return - I'll be returning to our Homecoming Week followed by Choice Week/Boobie Bash and then Halloween.  I love October but it always flies by!
  I can't promise I'll be able to update while I'm gone - my internet will be at the mercy of the on-campus library, but I'll definitely be updating via Twitter (RDinMotion) so if you need a fix that badly, check it out and friend me there.
  I will try to update again before I leave.  Maybe I'll even be able to talk about the Wii yoga I keep planning on trying each morning but never seem to be able to get up to do!
  Anyway, hope your week went well and I hope this week is even better!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Long and short run

  My instructor asked me to start coming in 30 minutes before Jess arrives so I can get my long run in and then I can still run with her.  I guess that way I won't lose where I am in distance and speed.  I like that though - because then I can have my cool down when she arrives and she won't be running alone (plus I get more run time in so... good deal in the end).  It also allows me to get back to my office and work a bit before the day ends and dinner time arrives. :)
  Yesterday was his birthday so he skipped class (I didn't know until last minute).  Thankfully I took my shuffle (I never run to music in class) so I wasn't at a complete loss when running.  I switched it up a bit with my run again since Monday worked so well.  I started at 20 laps and worked down to 2 miles.  I had 4 more laps but I started later than I wanted so I didn't want to be running when Jessica arrived.
  I have also realized that switching up my playlist has actually helped me this week.  I think I became so dependent on what song was coming next and where I stood vs. that song and it started to bring me down if I wasn't on the lap I wanted to be at.  Now I just run, get lost in the music and I'm good.
  When Jessica arrived we started with her warm up and stretching.  I've realized this week that stretching is one of my favorite things to do at the gym.  I love the feeling of my muscles being pulled/pushed to their brink and how great it feels.  Odd, I know but it's true.  I don't know that I will ever be as flexible and September or Danielle, but we'll see.
  I told Jessica that if Eddie arrives, we'll follow his routine for the day but if he skips out, we're going to shoot for a mile.  She kept hoping he would come but he didn't.  Lucky her! ha ha
  I didn't want to overwhelm her so we did a 3-2-1 day.  I haven't done one of those in forever so it was weird but nice to have the breaks.  I was very proud of her - I told her on the last lap if she wanted to go further and try to make the mile we could.  She pushed herself and we ended up doing a 3-2-2.5 before she had to stop and walk.
  I explained that how Eddie got me to raise my distance was through this process - to keep building your numbers up and then reduce the walking.  Before I started running straight miles I was up to something like a 5-4-3-2-1 and then I just started cutting out the walks and just ran and ran.
  It's an interesting process because it reminds me of where I was in January and how far I've come.  I don't think Jessica believes me when I tell her I was in her place almost a year ago.  Yes, I ran campus all the time but for some reason the track was different and when I started running again in January I hadn't run in months so it was hard to start again and it took me a while to bring myself back to where I was (and surpass it now).
  Running lately has also gotten me excited to attempt Western when I go home for Homecoming.  I plan to run campus at least once if not twice (or more) just to see if I can still do it and if so, how far I can get before I have to stop.  I used to be able to get about a mile and a half or so in before having to walk.  I also want to see if I get the "runner's high" when I attempt our hills there again.  I miss that feeling so much - the total euphoria of making it to the top of a huge hill and knowing you kicked your butt doing it is a great feeling.  I need to find some intense hills around here so I can keep up my pace.
  I'm also hoping to run at the river at least once this weekend if not twice.  I need to get back to running outside - especially since the weather this weekend is dropping to the 70's - I need to make good use of that!  Maybe I can even convince Joey to run with me... :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I found this really interesting...

The Cost of Calories
Via: WeightLoss.org

Monday, September 20, 2010

Ladies First Skirt Chaser 5k

  So this weekend was interesting.  I was on duty so I had a few late night issues to deal with which left my sleeping schedule very messed up.  Not good before a race. :(
  I had to deal with a situation Sat morning from 4.30 - 5.30 am so I didn't fall back to sleep until around 6am (or a little later) and spent most of my day resting on the couch.  Because of this, I didn't properly stretch or hydrate myself.  Not very smart before a 5k in 93 degree weather (with no breeze). Ugh!
  I made the first 1/2 in no problem but as soon as I made the turn, my head started pounding really bad and I got dizzy.  I looked at my HR and it was 188.  I never get that high on a run - usually my peak is around 177 or 180 at most.  I walked more than usual this race but did manage to finish with a semi-decent time - 36.37 (according to their time - mine said 36.15).
  I am proud of myself for making it to the end.  I was like 126 out of around 200 to cross the line so I'm still proud of that.  Here's me in my cute lil skirt after the race.

  One of my wonderful staff members made me an Operation Beautiful sign to wear during my race.  What's funny is no one said anything about it except a guy who passed me out near the finish line.  He ran by and looked back and said "you're pretty hot too" and kept running.  It made me smile and laugh.
  Of course today when I got into the gym to run, I managed to run 2.5 miles straight, which both frustrated me and made me happy.  I know that I can run 3 miles - I've done it numerous times now but on race days I just can't seem to get my stuff together and do it.  I don't know - I'm hoping October goes better when it's cooler weather.
  I've also made the decision to push back my 10k.  I'm not ready for it by any means and this past race showed me that.  I'm going to wait until I have a few more races under my belt before I attempt that mileage.
  I also learned today that I need to trick my mind when I want to run long distances in the gym.  I tend to mentally hit a wall when I get past 2 miles and end up stopping so today I started at 20 laps and counted down.  It really helped and when I was ready to give up with 4 laps left I kept saying to myself "really?  4 laps and you want to give up?" and I kept going.  I was so proud!
  I think that each Monday I'm going to add about 2 laps to my total until I'm working my way up in miles.  It's the only way I'm going to continue to grow as a runner.  And I'm so excited to go back to NC for the weekend and run on my campus!  I want to see how far I can get now as opposed to how far I could get back when I was just running a mile before having to stop and walk. :)
  I'm hoping this week continues on a high note.  Things to look forward to:  Zumba (Tues/Thurs), Running class (I'm going in 30min before Jess to work on my time/distance and then running with her after) and hopefully getting a weekend run by the river in with Joey if she feels better.
  This is going to be a great week!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Back to class

  So Jessica kept her promise and enrolled in my running class.  Silly girl thought there would be more than just us... nope.  I am very proud of her though - she did almost a mile today on the inside track.  Eddie told me to take an easy day so I ran with her and helped her keep pace. She kicked butt.
  One thing Eddie encourages is for you to set a race goal so you have something to actually train for.  When I started in Jan. I set a race goal for May but ended up racing in March to set my PR for that point in time and again in April just for fun.  For Jess we chose the Route 66 Marathon 5k on the 21st of November.  I'm excited for her to set her first PR and then attempt to break it later.
  I'm hoping for a nice run tonight - last night was super rain-filled and didn't really allow for anything.  Not sure if I will try the track tonight or outside.  I have Zumba so it will also depend on class and how exhausted I feel afterward.
  We shall see...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Zumba! Zumba!

  So I accomplished a great deal exercise-wise today.  Always a good feeling after spending my 3-day weekend sick on the couch.  I went to one of my staff's rooms to play some Scrabble and my nose started to run.  It got progressively worse that night and I could barely move on Sunday.  I am not exaggerating when I say that I walked less than 2 miles between Sun and Monday.  I literally slept non-stop all weekend and only moved from the couch to the kitchen to get more water or snacks.  But, I've made up for it today alone with my walking.  I feel like I ran all over campus (in my heels! woot woot!) so I'm almost back on track with my steps.
  I registered for Zumba again this semester as well as continued my running class.  Put me back $65 total but well worth keeping in shape.  I also registered for my 5k in 2 weekends.  Apparently I'll receive a cute little skirt that says "Catch me if you can!" - how exciting!
  I also had my first Zumba class this afternoon.  It was so exhausting!  I forgot how much of a workout this is going to be!  I'll be going every Tues/Thurs after work and running each Wed. from 4-5pm.  Pretty excited about running class as one of my staff promised to sign up and run with me (in class only).  I hate being the only person in the class - esp. because I feel bad that he does the class and I'm the only person who does it.
  So with luck this semester will continue to go well.  The goal is to lose the last 3-5lbs and maintain after that.  I think I will be able to do it.  And past the weight goals, I just want to continue adding mileage to my runs and run more nights.  I'm still hoping to get up to 5 times a week.  I don't want to push too much this week since I'm just starting Zumba again but we'll see.
  Hope everyone reading is having a great week! :D

Friday, September 3, 2010

Thank you.

  I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who reads my insane ramblings. :)  I have 2 actual followers (aside from my staff who enjoy reading this blog) so to see that I have jumped to over 400 views from this summer is pretty amazing.  Either Jessica is getting worse and checking my blog more than 3 times a day or I actually have people who follow me.
  Please feel free to "friend" my blog and become a follower as well as leave comments.  I appreciate any/all feedback, questions and support.
  And most of all, thank you for making my blog a part of your day. :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Pain, pain

  So I accomplished one of my goals last night - I ran 3 straight miles.  I've only done this once before - with Eryn a while back.  We were in a "zone" running by the river and just kept going.  Last night was the first time I actually made the conscious decision to run 3 miles and nothing less.
  I have worked out harder than usual in short bursts of time after work - pushing myself on the elliptical, weight machines and the track and I can already feel the change.  I miss this feeling - the muscle ache reminding me that I'm making an adjustment in my body.
  My first race for the fall season is only 16 days away.  More than enough time to keep pushing myself and setting up a new training schedule.  Although I love the schedules on Runner's World I am going to slightly adjust the one my instructor gave me for a race he wanted me to run in August (I couldn't due to move-in/training).  I am contemplating setting the self goal of either running the entire thing (and not worrying about time) or setting a new time goal.  Not sure yet - will probably decide as the gun goes off. ha ha
  I've also been loading up on veggies on a daily basis.  When I student taught (many years ago) my head teacher taught be a great "trick" - if you want more energy during the day, a feeling of actually being full and the ability to lose weight, you really should eat your fill of veggies.  Thankfully we have stir fry here most days of the week so I get pasta or rice and a ton of veggies.  Very filling and not too many calories.
  I'm still on the downward path on the scale - down to 144.6 with the goal of losing only 5lbs more and staying somewhere in between 139-144lbs.  I'm finally happy when I look in the mirror and that's what matters most to me - that I'm happy with how I look.  Of course, I'm also excited to go back home in a few weeks and look the same as when I left so that's always nice too. :)
  Planning on taking tonight off to rest my body and then a nice run this weekend (or maybe 2 runs).  We'll see how it goes. :)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Race and Gym Time

  The race I've chosen is the Skirt Chaser 5k.  Sadly, I will be running by myself but thankfully I have some wonderful friends on staff who promised to "hold the phone" for me while I race. :)
  I'm pretty nervous and excited.  The race is on the 18th and it's the first once since I took a brief break after June.  I have my goals set and hope to achieve them.
  I've also been hitting the gym as much as possible.  I pushed myself extremely hard Monday and Tuesday as well as last week and I can feel it already.  My legs are so sore and it has stopped me from running the past few days.  I really need to learn how to work out and run during the week.  I tend to have a problem with balancing both.  I tend to fixate on one or the other.  My weekends will probably be focused on weights and training and maybe a run when I can. I want my weeks to focus more on runs and some weights/training.  We'll see how this goes.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Move Ins, Weight Loss and a few things in between

  Sorry for the delay in updating... things have been pretty busy in my little world.
  As most of you know, it's that time of year - kids are moving back or starting college and life is exciting and full of promise.  This is one of my favorite times of the year - the start of my job.  It's exciting and new again - each year since I get very few returners.
  We finished training last week.  I feel as though I've been going through training for the entire month - and we pretty much have.  I had staff move back in on the 31st and we started right away.  The building is in pretty good shape - mostly due to my staff as well as our amazing Physical Plant workers here on campus.
  As you can imagine, with all the excitement and business of training and move-ins, I haven't had a ton of time to run or exercise.  Thankfully they were renovating our cafeteria this summer so we had to walk a half mile to and from the new eating area twice a day.  I loved knowing that I would be walking at least 3 miles each day to get my meals.  And yes, I am aware I am probably the only person who actually loved that I had to walk in 100+ (no, not an exaggeration) weather to get to our meals and back.  I love exercise of pretty much any kind so it was a nice feeling.
  I did manage to squeeze a few runs in thanks to one of my former residents.  She's been great at texting me to ask me to run and it makes me get up and moving.  I also learned a few days ago that my SRA begged her to take me for a run because I was getting too stressed out at one point.  Have to laugh at that - my staff members watching out for me and themselves as well. :)
  Over the past month I've only  been able to run about 14 miles which makes me slightly sad.  However I am happy to say that I can definitely run 2 miles pretty easily.  Still forcing myself to run campus to conquer those hills but I'm doing great.
  I'm hoping to register for the Skirt Chaser 5k in September.  It's a night race so I'm pretty excited.  Plan is to do this race, the 10k in October, another 5k in November and we'll see how cold it is in Dec.  I'm still planning to run indoors through the winter and outside when it's an option.  I want to start thinking about a half marathon possibly next spring/summer.  However, if that's not an option, just to run a 10k straight would be a wonderful feeling.
  I am also hoping to continue updating this blog as regularly as possible.  Hopefully things will fall into the usual groove soon and I can get settled and start my life. :)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Exciting News!

  So I was one of the first 50 people to register for an online and in person physical at work.  I haven't had a true physical in probably well over 3 years, if not more.  But... I am happy to say that I passed the online part with flying colors!  I only need to work on handling stress (no one who knows me will be shocked by that statement...).
  Best part:

Your choice of health practices, to a large degree, determines how fast you will age. In a study of some 6,900 people followed for 15 years they found 7 health practices to be good predictors of longevity. Your health practices are compared to this study population to determine your "Health Age."

Current Age
33 years
(based on your number of birthdays)

Health Age
29.9 years
(based on your health practices)

Potential Health Age
28.2 years
(This is your potential if you were following all 7 of the good health practices.)

Years of added life
1.7 years
(This is how many years you can add to your life expectancy by following all 7 of the good health practices. More importantly, you can add life to your years.)

New title, new things... Good Day.

  This week has been a great week.  I've had a smile on my face all week and I love it.  My running is constantly improving and I'm feeling a little more prepared for the October race with each passing week.
  I looked in my running journal yesterday and since I started in on May 3rd, I've run a total of 80.875 miles.  It's kinda nice to see where I fall behind with my running, where I've excelled and where I manage to maintain.  The next few weeks are going to be tricky as we are going into full training with our staff to prepare for the buildings to open.  That means many, many straight days of 8am-9pm nights of work.  I'm going to work very hard on still getting a run - even if it's just the 2 miles around campus.
  I weighed myself this morning and almost scared the crap out of myself.  I usually weigh on my wii after my workout.  Some may say that's cheating because I've just ran 2plus miles but I usually drink 20oz on my walk home so I figure it balances out.  Anyway, when I got on the scale I was in my yoga pants and my sports bra.  I hear a sound outside of my window and realize a gardener is outside my window and could see me perfectly.  I ran into my bedroom to throw on a shirt (still not comfortable in just the sports bra) and then weight myself again.
  Despite the near embarrassment, I was happy to see that I've lost an additional 1.1lbs.  I'm now down to 147 on the dot.  I'm still amazed by this since I've not been in the gym (outside of running class) in probably at least 2 months.  I miss the gym but with summer hours - it just doesn't happen right now.  Thankfully the fall semester will bring back weekend hours and I can get back into going on Saturday mornings (my favorite time!) and after work to run.
  I've also tried some new things in the kitchen.  I've been pre-packing my breakfast for 4 of the 5 weekdays.  That way I can just grab it and go straight to work.  Since doing this, I get to my office 20 minutes earlier which I like - gives me down time.  That's been really helpful this week.
  Last night I made the Wanchai Ferry Cashew Chicken.  I used two breasts and only needed about a breast and a half.  I put the other half in bbq sauce and cooked it up so I could use it later to make my favorite wrap - coleslaw, chicken and a little lettuce.  So good!
  I've also been having an all veggie lunch at least once a week which I enjoy.  I fill my plate with veggies first and if there's room, I'll add meat.  If not, I don't go back for it.  Cuts down the calories and I actually feel more full which is nice.  I am also craving salads a lot lately.  After my run on Sunday night all I wanted was a salad so I made a basic roman lettuce salad, threw in some carrots, sliced up peperoni and some American cheese and then a few squirts of raspberry vinaigrette.  I never liked that before but a friend introduced me to it a few years ago on another amazing this - an all veggie sandwich.  I use wheat bread, cucumbers, lettuce, green peppers and cheese.  Yum!
  I've also changed the title to my blog (if you didn't notice).  One thing my girls and I are working on this year are to erase or tone down the use of the word "fat" in our daily language.  It's going to take a lot, but I think we can do it and hopefully our girls will work with us to help.  I'm going to encourage the girls to use operation beautiful which I learned about from my favorite blogger Meganerd.  This will be our goal for the year and I figured I'd start it by changing my blog.  My old weight was not fat - it wasn't healthy for my body, but it was not fat so I won't be using that word.
  Hope everyone else is having a wonderful week and enjoying the start of end of summer. :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

  Been continuing to work on increasing my speed and endurance.
  I've dropped down my nights and am trying very hard to follow my training schedule.  I've been good on doing my Monday, Wed and Thursday runs.  It's the weekends I have been not so good with.  I tend to allow the heat to dictate my runs and that's not what I should do  - I know this.  But when it's been 100 degrees (or higher) it's really hard to find the desire to run in that.
  Other than my runs, I've learned the fun of Wii Fit Plus last night.  OMG - so much fun!  I knew there were games but I never knew how to find them... until last night.  I had so much fun playing them (by myself) for a few hours.  And they (along with my run) helped me to be so exhausted that I slept wonderful.
  I'm also happy to say that I've been able to keep my weight at a healthy level.  I've been under 150lbs for almost a month.  I haven't been close to that weight since I moved here almost a year ago.  Although my goal hasn't been achieved as quickly as I'd hoped, I am achieving it and that's what matters.
  We took some photos a few weeks ago - this is one of my faves. :)

  That's me on the left.  All that running is finally paying off.  So proud of myself!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Runner's High

  Ever have one of those days from hell when all you want to do is run forever?
  When I lived in NC, I had those days more times than I care to admit (especially to myself) due to things I had control over but chose not to.  I would run the 3+ miles around my campus and then save the epic hill until last.  Every time I would get to the top of that hill, I'd have such a runner's high and everything in the world would fall away and I'd focus only on that accomplishment for the rest of the night.
  Sadly, last night I didn't achieve my runner's high, but I was definitely able to let the day fall away behind me.
  I asked a friend to hold the work phone (I'm on duty this week) for me so I could run at my favorite place right now - by the river.  I needed to let some personal stuff go that day as well as a ton of work related crap I'd been dealing with (on top of getting pink eye from work).  It was definitely "one of those days" and I needed an escape.
  As I was driving to the river, I glanced in my rear-view mirror and noticed that the clouds behind me were getting horribly dark and ominous.  I almost turned back but I needed the run THAT bad so I kept driving.  Parked my car (and pissed someone off when I took the spot... oh well), stretched against my car and ran.
  Thankfully it was an "easy" run night of only 1.5miles so I started with a nice 11min pace on the first mile.  Then the wind picked up and started blowing the cut grass (which I'm allergic to) in my face/eyes/mouth.  But, I kept going and pushed my speed up a notch.  Made the first mile, walked about 20 seconds, turned around and ran the last 1/2 mile back towards my car.
  At that point I just canceled everything out and focused on my breathing and my music.  I made it to the .5 mile marker and walked the last .5 mile back to my car.
  On the way back I realized my former residents Eryn (who I run with sometimes) and Erica were standing near the entrance to the park.  I went over to chat with them for a few minutes and then noticed my instructor and his fiancee pass and stretch to go for their run.
  At this point the sky was very dark and it was lightening (I was so in the zone I didn't see or hear any of this during my run!) so I jumped in my car and headed to Whole Foods to treat myself to a pure black tea (iced) and a Luna "Nuts Over Chocolate" bar.  Then I got into my pj's and went to visit a co-worker to watch a movie, which ended up turning into her watching the movie and my senior RA and I talking behind the desk about staff development for the year.
  Thank God for running - I really don't know how I would have survived days like yesterday if I didn't have that outlet.  I pity the people who can't release their tension through exercise and keep it bottled up - I couldn't even imagine.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Working Hard

  So I've been pushing myself this week.

I am working very hard on following my training schedule. On Monday night I ran about 2.5miles. I circled 3/4 of campus, turned around and re-ran it so I got the hills done twice. Felt pretty good about myself after that. Well... that and the fact that by the end of the night I had over 15,000 steps in for one day. :) I usually shoot for at least 10,000 so that was a great way to start my week!

I had class this morning. Can you tell from the photo of my shoes that I shouldn't get dressed in the dark at 6am?


Yes, those are two different shoes.  The left is my second pair I ever ran in and the right is the "newer" pair I bought last summer and am finally breaking out of (notice my trouble area - my pinky toes!).
  No one noticed but me - and I only realized when I was stretching.  Oh well.  Lesson learned. :)
  Today we did 4x4laps.  Each lap we had to run faster so that was a challenge.  We were supposed to start with a  6min pace but it ended up being under that.  The second and third set Mary kept me on my toes - she was kicking butt!  I kept teasing her that she was the Jeff of the day since he always does that to me.  We made under a 5 min pace both times easily.  After the 3rd set Mary thought she was going to throw up so she took the last set slow.  Mel ran the last set with me and kept pushing me to go faster.  I didn't think I could do it,  but I ended up doing super close to a 4min pace.  It was an amazing feeling to finish all 4 laps when everyone else was just finishing their 3rd.
  While we were running Mel kept telling me how far I've come and how much I've impressed her.  That made me feel really good - I wouldn't be where I am now without her and Eddie's help.  They have been so great about making me do timed runs, fartleks and pushing myself harder and faster each class.  And it's obviously starting to pay off.
  I am hoping to get a little time off so I can race in August.  I'm definitely running a race in September just to prepare and then we have the 10k at the end of October.  Still nervous because that's going to be almost a full hour of running and I'm not quite there yet but I'm hoping to get as close to under an hour on that as possible.  I'll also have to update my song list for the race.  I have enough to get to my PR and the walk afterwards but I'll need to add a few more and figure out some power songs for when I get close to the finish line to keep me going.  That'll be the hard part.
  Might do another run with Eryn tonight - something to keep my miles up.  Also planning a run tomorrow night and hopefully I can hit the river this weekend to pick up some miles.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

New Run

  So I have to admit, I'm always a little nervous/stressed when I run with someone for the first time.  Will they be faster than me?  What if they are too fast and I have to stop or slow down?  Will they judge me for that?  It's worse than a first date for me.
  Tonight I ran with our new RD.  He and his girlfriend trained for a 1/2 marathon a little while ago so I was extremely nervous to run with him.  I usually run a 10min/mile by myself and when I'm with others, I usually drop down to around a 12min/mile so it's comfortable.  I'm not sure how I did tonight - I actually didn't time it, but I was so stressed over it I developed a neck cramp about a mile in.  Not good.  But I received some good advice on how to prevent/reduce them in the future so I'm going to try it and see if it works.
  I also haven't run outside in about a week so I ended up having to walk about a minute more than I wanted.  When Eryn and I ran, we got a little over a mile in, walked a few seconds (at most, maybe 30) and then ran the final mile straight.  Tonight I was dealing with the neck pain at first and then got a stitch in my side and had to walk a little to get rid of it.  But, I am pretty sure I walked less than a quarter mile so it's all good.
  I'm also realizing how much I miss running with Catherine (my ex-roommate) when I run with other people.  She and I used to do about a 3 mile loop and most nights I could only do it because of our conversations and her telling me "girl, you have no choice, you HAVE to do this!" and I really do miss that.  Having someone better than you makes you want to be better.  I'm hoping that through working with different runners outside of class will help me continue to do more - mileage and time wise and help me come that much closer to my goal of the 10k in October.
  And I finally realized if I run campus at least once a week, I can add some hills into my routine which will help my running and build my endurance again.  Always looking on the bright side! :)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

So sorry...

  My apologies for the delay/absence in writing.  After my last race I was so exhausted and dehydrated it took me almost a week to recover.  And that is not an exaggeration.  I learned very quickly that, although I cannot hydrate during a race (it bothers my stomach), I have to change my schedule pre-race to allow myself enough time to drink some type of powerade/Gatorade drink and allow it to settle before I run in hopes that it will help.
  I also had to re-arrange my goal for races these two summer months.  I wasn't able to do the July 3rd run due to the rain and the fact that I pre-celebrated my birthday the night before so I am thinking of postponing the July race to September and doing one then.
  I also spoke to my instructor and he has me on a training regamine for a race in August.  However, sadly, I am not sure if I will be able to hit that race as it may interfere with training for my staff.  Either way, it is my hope that just having that schedule will help me become a better and longer runner.
  One of my former students has agreed to run with me on Thursday nights and I am happy to report that we ran over 1 mile straight without any issue, walked for less than 30 seconds and finished the final mile with no problem.  And there were hills!  I was never so happy to be able to run hills.  They really make me feel like I accomplished something in my run.
  In class yesterday we did some strength/speed work.  Not as hard as fartleks but something to push us a little faster.  Since Jeff wasn't in class, I was the first one to finish which was nice.  We had to push hard on the straight ways and slowly jog the ends.  We started with a half mile of those, ran a full mile and then ended with another half mile of the speed work.  I was so happy to be able to say to my instructor that when I finished, aside from being out of breath, I was good!  First time I tried to do similar training I wanted to throw up after one lap.  I really am getting better.  I ran about a 10 minute mile and my last half mile was clocked at less than 4.30!  That made me very happy.
  So, I am going to work on blogging more regularly on this again and try to add photos so you can see my progress.  And along with progress, I'm also happy to say that I've dropped another few pounds and am under 150!  I'm still 8lbs from my goal but it isn't as far away as it was so that makes me extremely happy.
  Hope everyone reading is having a wonderful day!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Runaway 5k

  So I had my 5k this Saturday.
  One thing all the running blogs and magazines I've read stress is that a runner should always check the course prior to the race so they know what to expect.  I've never been one to follow this rule.  Many times over I've learned that if I would have checked the course prior I probably would not have run the race.
  This race is a great example of that - had I drove the course earlier in the week, I can guarantee that I would not have run it.  It was, by far, the hardest course I have had in a long time.  Since I've moved away from NC, I haven't had a chance to run steep hills (they were a part of my running/training in NC).  So as I've said many times before, I've become (sadly) used to flat land or slight hills.
  This course was major hills - 3 hills to start, a down slope, another hill, flat land to turn around and then back to the hills to end.
  My first time was 6 min (I think that was the half mile mark).  I ran about a half mile and had to stop and walk up the rest of the hill.  It was just too steep for me, especially right at the start.
  I didn't catch my second time (at the half-way mark).   As I was heading back, my time at the original 6 min mark was 27 min.  I was pretty sure at that point I was no where near the end and would not be close to my usual 31 min mark.
  However, once I crested the last hill I knew the end was in sight.  I got the starting pieces of my "end race" song and stepped it up a bit.  Just as I saw the finish line I realized my running partner Jeff was walking to it.  I tapped him on the back and told him he HAD to run across the finish line with me and we both timed in at 34:27.
  At first I was very unhappy with my time (I'm being honest) but after talking it over with many different people, I came to realize that they were right - 34 minutes is really good for a course with many hills that I was not prepared for.  So, in the end, I am very proud of my time.  The last time I ran a course with hills I came in around 40 minutes so even after all these years, I'm still getting better.
Go me! :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Just keeps getting better...

  So my goal this week (if I can do it) is to run each morning (possibly taking Friday off) until the race.
  I woke up this morning and text messaged joey to see if she was up and ready.  I didn't get a response (later saw a message on fb from her) so I figured I'd go back to sleep.  After laying in bed for about 10 minutes I knew I would not be able to fall back asleep.
  I got up and dressed, stretched on the bench outside of my building and started my run.  This was my first run outside, in the morning, in a long time.  I ran almost a full mile in the heat, walked about a minute, ran another .25, walked another minute and then finished the last .25 to my apartment.
  I was very hot and tired but I did it.  The whole time I kept thinking back to when I used to run campus and could barely make it a half mile and look how far and fast I was going.  I was so proud of myself.  And I always feel better after my morning run so it was the best decision I could have made.
  Tomorrow is class so I'm looking forward to that.  I've asked my instructor to set me up with a training goal sheet if he has the time.  I have my own goals but I want to make sure I'm training the right way and not hurting myself.
  I've also decided that since it will be hot at Saturday's race, I'm not going to focus on my time - I'm going to work on how much I run.  I want to try to get at least 2 miles straight so we'll see.  I think I may ice my leg tonight because it's a little sore this afternoon.
  Hopefully everyone else is enjoying the beautiful day. :)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Run run run

  Sorry the updates have been sporadic lately.  I had a long, event-filled (but not exercise filled) weekend.  With the gym closed I've been slacking horribly on my weekend runs.  Not a good thing...
  But Joey has said that this week she is attempting to get up at 6.30am with me and run.  We went to the gym this morning because they were calling for a horrible storm (which, of course, started the minute we walked out of the gym) so we hit the track.
  And boy did I hit the track!  I was so proud of myself this morning.  I figured I'd do a mile and a half and then walk a few seconds and finish with a mile.
  I hit my wall around a half mile, pushed through and then managed to run the entire 2.25 miles non-stop.  Oh yea, that's right - NON-STOP!!
  I've never done that before.  Ever.  I passed the 1.5mile mark and figured "eh, I can do 4 more laps" and ran.  Then I hit the 2 mile mark and couldn't stand the thought of walking when I only had 2 more laps to go.  So, I pushed myself and thankfully one of my power songs hit and I just started sprinting the last 2 laps. :)
  I felt so accomplished when I was finished.  Words can't describe how great it felt.  Now to keep that up when I actually race.
  I did the 2.25 at a slower pace but with the last 2 laps faster I managed to get it all done in 25 minutes.  If I was going for a 5k that would have put me 3 min past my best time so I need to work on my speed but for right now, I'm just happy to have endurance for that long.  I'm going to hopefully get up each morning this week and practice (maybe taking Friday off since my race is Sat) and we'll see how it goes.
  The goal this race isn't so much time as it is seeing how much I can run and how little I can walk.
  I'll keep you informed. :)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Runners vs. Walkers

  So I know I'm being a brat, but I realized lately that I strongly feel that tracks should either designate walker lanes or there should be two different tracks.
  Case in point - today I was really, really pushing myself on the track.  I was literally trying to stay awake at my desk this afternoon.  I didn't sleep well the night before (nightmares) and woke up to rain at 6am so I didn't get my morning run in like I wanted to.  So, I got dressed in my running gear and patiently waiting for 5pm to hit.
  Walked to the gym and got ready to run.   Normally when I run the track on Thurs. it's with an older couple (who stay on the far right lane) and my fellow runner Jeff and our instructor (they are working out together).  That gives me 3 lanes to run in.
  Today, that was not the case.  I kept having to dodge walkers!  Two girls were walking directly in the 2 center lanes, two other students were walking in the 2 left lanes and then myself and the few other runners were dodging around them every chance we got.
  As a runner, I know that as soon as I stop running, I need to get over and out of the way.  It's just common courtesy.  But no one today (except the older couple) seemed to understand that.  Ugh!
  But anyway, I got 2.5 miles in. Today was a hard run - mostly because I was so tired.  I ran a straight mile, walked a half lap, did 5 laps, walked a half lap, did 3 laps (to finish 1 mile), walked a half lap and then did 4 more laps.
  My music was really, really helpful today.  It kept me aware of my time and also two songs gave me that extra umph! when I was about ready to crawl up and die.  Sometimes that's my favorite part of running - when my legs hurt and burn and I want nothing more than to quit but a song comes on my shuffle and I just HAVE to run to it.  Makes all the difference!
  After I left the gym I went to Joey's to eat some leftovers and we decided to hit Riverside.  I wasn't going to run (even though I was still in my running clothes) but she brought her longboard and in order to keep up and continue talking I had no choice.  So... I got in a little over another .5 miles of running.  That made my total for today 3 miles and then some.  I was so proud of myself.  My running at Riverside was super slow - I was in no rush so I figured I'd work on my slower pace and did pretty well.  It also pushed my steps close to 50,000 for the week so far.  That is awesome as my goal is to have my weekly total as close to 80,000 as possible.  That's a little over 5 miles a day of walking/running.  Something I should be doing anyway.
  Off to bed now - need some sleep before tomorrow night.  Hoping to get a quick after-work run in and then off to see my favorite cover band again!